The Yemeni military is attempting to regain control of territory in the south. Al Qaeda-linked militants recently seized control of a third town in Abyan.

Yemeni airstrikes targeted militant positions in Zinjibar and in Shaqra, a coastal town east of Zinjibar. The air raids killed at least five militants. The Yemeni army launched an offensive against the militants in Shaqra yesterday, killing three militants, according to local security officials. Tribesmen outside of the town halted the militants’ advance into neighboring villages. Al Qaeda-linked militants seized control of Shaqra on August 17.

Tens of thousands of Yemenis demonstrated in support of the National Revolution Council. Major demonstrations occurred in Sana’a and Taiz. The national council has representatives from Yemen’s main opposition bloc, the Joint Meeting Parties, the Southern Movement, the al Houthis, the youth movement, and other opposition groups.

A resolution to the political crisis in the capital will not end the fragmentation of the Yemeni state, which remains at risk of a broader armed conflict. The current situation has increased al Qaeda's operating space in Yemen.

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