Armed opposition groups continue to challenge both the authority of the central Yemeni government and local governments.

Opposition tribesmen seized control of a military base in Nihm district of Sana’a Monday. Hundreds of tribesmen attacked the base of the Republican Guard’s 63rd brigade in Beit Dahrah, about 70 km north of the capital. A tribal leader, Hameed Asim, reported that seven tribesmen were killed in a raid. The Yemeni Air Force conducted air raids targeting tribal position after the attack. The commanding officer of the 3rd brigade, Colonel Abdul Salam Mohamed al Sufyani, was killed in Arhab. A local sheikh reported that the attack was sparked by the death of a child Sunday due to government shelling.

Yemen’s military offensive against al Qaeda-linked militants in Abyan governorate is ongoing. A tribal official reported that artillery shelling targeting militant positions near Zinjibar killed 11 al Qaeda-linked militants. Additionally, Yemeni security forces in Mudia killed three suspected al Qaeda militants. A roadside bomb killed two people and injured five others in Mudia Monday. Security forces clashed with militants in Mudia, killing six and injuring four others. A local al Qaeda leader in Mudia district, Ali Abdullah al Zahiri, was arrested Monday.

Fighting between al Houthi rebels and tribesmen occurred in Kushar district of Hajjah governorate. The fighting centered around the Bani Shaib area. There have been reports that the al Houthis are seeking to control a Red Sea port.

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