A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael RubinTo subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English

Nuclear Issue

·        Ahmadinejad speaking to clergy and theological students: "The time of discussing the nuclear issue has come to an end and the clock can't be moved the reverse direction." 


·        Reza Soleimani, Public Relations Director General of the Expediency Council, denies rumors of a telephone conversation between Rafsanjani and Secretary of State Clinton

·        Defense and Armed Forces Logistics Ministry Ideological and Political Indoctrination Bureau comments on Egypt's recent allegations against Iran and Lebanese Hezbollah:

o        "During these days that the Egyptian government in the course of the 22 days war against Gaza showed an image of dishonoring Arab honor and apathy, it tries to construct a scenario to legitimize its cooperation with Israel and thereby avoid further marginalization of Cairo in the Arab world. This is why the Egyptian government has mobilized media mayhem against Hezbollah and Iran.

o        There is absolutely no relationship between discovery of an aid group providing help to the defenseless and encircled people of Gaza. This is all a way of gaining concessions from the U.S. and Israel so that the Egyptian government through the Zionist lobby in the U.S. Congress can impact the Obama administration and avoid a situation in which the new U.S. administration ignores the Mubarak regime which sees its further existence in acting as a middleman between the Arabs, Israel and the United States.

o         The people in the region face two view points, one which has raised the banner of fight and countering Zionist schemes and which has raised from assistance to the encircled people of Gaza and considers collaboration with Israel and insult to the people in the region and believes the destiny of peace negotiations is futile.

o        There is also the opposite view which fights against the first school of thought and utilizes all its expansive security means to annihilate the plans for resistance and is instrumentally using any possibility to get closer to the U.S., Israel and some Western states. The Egyptian people who have sacrificed thousands of martyrs in defense of the issue of Palestine are in the point of gravity of the two schools of thought."

·        Ahmadinejad in Kerman: "Today, almost all fundamental dealings in the world are affected by the policies of the Iranian nation..."

·        Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ghashghavi says Iran insists upon realization of its "20 percent share of the Caspian Sea."

·        A joint Afghanistan-Iran commission will determine the exact international border between the states. 

Iran in the Afghan Media

·         (E) Taliban spokesman says no delegation sent to Iran for assistance.

·        Iran offers help to train Afghan police.

o        Iran’s police commander Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam has expressed readiness to train Afghan police, but stressed that the Islamic Republic will not cooperate with NATO. “We recognize the government of Afghanistan. The Afghan government may consult with foreign troops stationed in the country in this regard,” Moghaddam said.

·        Iran, Afghanistan assign joint commission to demarcate shared border.

·        Japan sees role for Iran in Afghanistan.

o        Japan’s special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan has urged Iran’s foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, and the U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan, Richard Holbrooke, to use the summit on Pakistan in Tokyo for improving ties between the two countries and enhancing cooperation on Afghanistan.

o        Mottaki said: “We appreciate the initiative of Japan, a member of the Asian family, on helping rebuild Afghanistan and resolve Pakistan’s crisis. The policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as a neighbor of Afghanistan and Pakistan, is similar to Japan, and that is to address crises and help return peace and stability to the region… We, therefore, are ready to cooperate with Japan in this respect.”

·        Daily Afghanistan details trade between Afghanistan and Iran. The report indicates that economic exchanges between the two countries have seen a 25% increase over the past one year.

·        Article, entitled “Election Campaign Begins to Heat Up,” says President Hamid Karzai is seeking help from Iran and Russia to win the upcoming presidential election.

·        Commentary, headlined “A Glance at Refugee Issue in Afghanistan,” accuses Iranian authorities of persecuting Afghan refugees.


·        Mir-Hossein Mousavi to visit Tehran mayor and potential candidate Mohammad-Bagher Qalibaf tomorrow. 

o        Kalameh attacks Mousavi for "war time mismanagement." 

·        Parliamentary Speaker Ali Larijani has intervened to stop publication of a booklet of parliamentarian biographies because of rumors about inclusion of inflated educational degrees

·        The Development and Justice Party's congress features Mohsen Rezai, Assadollah Badamchian, Ali Asgari, Kan'ani Moghaddam, Hassan Biyadi, Elyas Hazrati and Omidvar Rezai.

·        Motalefeh's Habibollah Asgar-Owladi criticizes polarization of political life in Iran.

·        Mohsen Rezai says he prefers others run for president.

·        Higher Education Minister Mohammad-Mehdi Zahedi says "migration of Iranian elites to foreign countries is not a brain drain, but an opportunity...I don't recognize such a thing as brain drain since the world of today is not a world in which the elites necessarily must be based in a certain place or their own country." 

·        Agah-Sazi releases a hitherto unpublished interview with Rafsanjani discussing his relationship with Khamenei and his position with regard to the Ahmadinejad government:

o        "My relationship with Ayatollah Khamenei is emotional, rational, political and a working relationship...Of course there are conflicts between us. Is it possible that two people have absolutely no conflicts? But I assume your question addresses the issue of grand policies of the internal and foreign policies of Iran...When it comes to conflict, the Supreme Leader and I discuss until the other is persuaded...If the Supreme Leader is not persuaded by my arguments, he is not religiously obliged to follow my advice...but if I disagree with his views, I am legally and religiously obliged to follow his advice...

o        For example I opposed the idea of running for Assembly of Experts...but the Supreme Leader told me it was my divine duty to run for the Council and I did so...To mention another example, when it comes to political, economic and managerial issues, I am very critical of the ninth government but outside the issue of supervision on deviation from grand policies which is among the obligations of the Council, I have chosen silence in order to avoid conflict of opinion with the Supreme Leader in the public debate...

o        I am convinced and satisfied if the Supreme Leader in his analysis of the situation is such that should he not declare his support for the government, it is possible that the government will face serious challenges in continuing its efforts and that would not be expedient under present circumstances...My position with regard to the Ninth government is my silence and I don't expect that the Supreme Leader of the Revolution demands anything more from me...

o        Should one of the gentlemen Nateq Nouri, Rowhani, Larijani and Velayati agree upon a joint candidate, I will do what I can in support of such a Principalist candidate...I will not run for president." 

·        Mohammad-Bagher Kharrazi to run for president

Religion, Society, and Culture

·        Ahmadinejad's wife visits a foster home

Military and security

·        Based upon the latest threat assessments, there are no military threats against Iran and for the first time in years, the Iranian military has not been on alert during Nowruz. 

·        Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force displays radar and naval patrol planes. 


·        Mir-Hossein Mousavi delivers general remarks on his economic priorities.

·        Ahmadinejad, speaking to civil servants in Kerman, promises two trillion rials in interest- free loans to the people of the province. 

·        According to Jam-e Jam,four U.S. banks have applied for authorization to start activities in Iran.

·        Rafsanjani on Ahmadinejad’s economic policies: The extremely sensitive and extraordinary conditions of the country in both internal and external dimensions taken into consideration, it is better that I do not enter the discussion [on the issue of inflation] and men of politics and those who know both books and prayers know that I am opposed to the current state of affairs and that I also have some solutions. But no one has asked me for advice and I have preferred silence. I also do recognize that we have had inflation before, but never with such magnitude..." 

Photo of the Day

·        Khamenei at the IRGC’s Imam Hossein University