A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English



  • Foreign Minister Mottaki, speaking in Tokyo, says "Obama should realize his rhetoric about change."

    • Kayhan editorializes: "Speaking in Prague, the new president was expected to speak of change, but instead he followed the footsteps of his predecessor, made accusations against the nuclear activities of our country, and legitimized the missile defense system by referring to what he called the missile threat from Iran...He also stretched his velvet gloves toward Iran and sent another message to Iran...But Obama's arrows will one after the other hit stones because he is repeating the words of Bush, with the difference that Bush spoke like a gangster...but Obama expresses himself...more politely."

  • Ahmadinejad, speaking to Law Enforcement Forces:

    • "In the economic sector, the enemies of the Iranian nation have everything in their power to pass the heaviest and most unprecedented resolutions against our nation. But our nation has not only avoided isolation, but it has also become one of the most beloved nations and the suppressors have become the most loathed and most isolated countries in the entire world...Now that the shadow of the fundamental threat from our national sovereignty has been removed,  it does not mean that the enemy has forgotten its enmity against us. They are not capable of doing harm, but they are struggling to weaken the progress of the Iranian nation in isolated attempts..." 

Nuclear Issue

Military and Security

  • Jomhouri-ye Eslami condemns what it calls "the U.S. espionage umbrella" in a reference to U.S. space programs. 

  • Ahmadinejad, speaking to the members of the Law Enforcement Forces: "The ill-wishers and the corrupt want to attack us like ants, and narcotics are a deadly poison for all. The enemies insist upon exporting drugs to our country, but the magnitude of our discoveries show the vigilance of the Law Enforcement Forces... By taking initiative we must dislocate the hooligans from the society and by making them work in mines and the desert, we must make human beings out of them." 

  • Islamic Republic of Iran Army Ground Forces Chief Ahmad Pourdastan: "Not even the smallest movements of the enemy in our land, sea and air boundaries escapes the eagle eyes of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army and we have prepared equipment to counter any threat..." 


Religion, Culture, and Society


Human Rights and Labor

  • A student activist told Radio Farda that students of Babol Industrial University in northern Iran recently launched a sit-in and hunger strike to protest the government's continuing crackdown on students' rights.

  • Abd al-Reza Sheikh al-Eslami, head of the President's Office, sends a letter to Judge Said Mortazavi to demand fair trials for imprisoned Iranian blogger Hossein Derakhshan and imprisoned Iranian/American journalist Roxana Saberi.


  • Presidential candidate Mousavi accuses the national media of "not mobilizing the public for participation in elections," but for "mobilization of the public on behalf of a certain candidate." 

Photos of the Day