A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

 (E) = Article in English 




·         Analyst Ahmad Zeid-Abadi says "only a miracle" could get Ahmadinejad reelected, and that "Vote of Mr. Ahmadinejad is far smaller than some people think. He may create another tsunami, but this time against himself."

o    Former Development and Justice Party Secretary Reza Talayi-Nik says "there is a great void among the ranks of the Principalists who are critical of the government...There are those who even prefer a reformist candidate to Ahmadinejad." 

o    Motalefeh faction declares formal support for Ahmadinejad

o    Engineers Association Chairman Mohammad-Reza Bahonar says "Ahmadinejad is unique," does not expect any other candidate from the Principalist camp. 

o    Former President Mohammad Khatami attacks Ahmadinejad: "Has dignity of the people increased during the past couple years? Do people have a better life compared with before? Has our power to demand our rights in the international arena increased or decreased? Have we used economic and spiritual sources of the country correctly in order to improve the country, for the cause of development of the country and in order to secure popular participation? Have we paid attention to the rights and inalienable freedoms of the people more or less than before?"

·         Ali Tavakkoli, head of Parliament’s Research Center says Mohsen Rezai’s candidacy may "change equations of the elections.

o    Rezai, visiting Qom, says he has traveled to the holy city to "consult with the sources of emulation and scholars of the theological seminary of Qom."

§  Rezai also stresses: "One of the obligations resting on my shoulders is strengthening of the relationship between theological seminaries, sources of emulations and politics...

§  Today, the society needs the sources of emulation and the clergy more than ever. In the beginning of the revolution the society was in need of the clergy in order to establish an Islamic government. Today our statesmen and our people are in need of the clergy and the sources of emulation through which they can establish an Islamic government.

§  This is an important issue...defining the role of the clergy and sources of emulation in society is one of my primary reasons to enter the arena of presidential elections...

§  Today, the face of Islam has been subjected to severe attacks and unfortunately bad deeds of the Taliban, the Al Qaeda and some of our own outside the country have delivered an excuse to the enemies so they can use it against Islam."

o    Ayatollah Abd al-Karim Mousavi Ardebili, meeting with former IRGC chief Rezai: "Those who are capable of dealing with the problems must be present in the arena. Presence in the arena of elections is indeed a religious duty for such individuals."

o    A faction called "The Front of Unity of Islamic Iran" declares its support for Rezai.

·         Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Zad-Sar Jirofti, who presents himself as "a Basij member" and a "theological student," expresses support for Rafsanjani.

·         15-year-olds now eligible to vote in Presidential elections.

·         Ayatollah Reyshahri, representative of the Supreme Leader in Hajj Pilgrimage Organization, opposes incorporation of the organization with Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organization headed by Esfandiar Rahim-Mashayi.

o    Reyshahri resigns in protest of the government's decision.


Military and Security

·         Former IRGC Chief Yahya Rahim Safavi says the Revolutionary Guards have developed into a regional power


Iran in the Afghan Media

·         Article in Kabulpress, entitled “Expansion of Iran’s Spiritual Hegemony,” accuses Ayatollah Mohammad Asef Mohseni, the leader of the Shia movement Harakat-e Islami-yi Afghanistan, of trying to spread Iranian Shi’ism in Afghanistan. The author says:

o    Radio Tamadon and Khatem al-Nabyeen religious seminary run by Mohseni in Kabul are part of larger Iranian-sponsored agenda to spread Shi’ism in the region.

o    Mohseni has enjoyed support of the Iranian government and religious groups since the times of Jihad in the 1980s.

o    The growing power and influence of Mohseni is dangerous for Afghanistan’s future because it helps Iran to execute its ideological, religious agenda in Afghanistan, as it has used Islamic movements in other parts of the world, such as Hezbollah in Lebanon. Also, it could turn Afghanistan into a battlefield between two extremist religious rivals – i.e. the Sunni Taliban and Shi’a Iran.

·         Joint Iranian-Afghan commission agrees deal to avoid illegal border pass after deadly clash between security forces of two countries last week.

·         Iran steps up expelling Afghan refugees.

·         Meeting Afghan parliament’s lower house speaker Mohammad Yunis Qanuni, Ayatollah Hashemi Rafsanjani says Iran supports return of peace and stability to Afghanistan and wants the foreign occupying forces to leave the country.


Photo of the Day

·         Opening of Iranshahr Opera.