A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].


 (E) = Article in English 


Larijani considers the application process for the presidency degrading; Mousavi faces tough questions at the University of Kerman; Karrubi praises Khatami and criticizes the current economic situation; economic advisors for Ahmadinejad and Mousavi debate each other; Ahmadinejad visits Syria; Ja'fari says the Basij have always "pushed the revolution forward"; and Pakistan extradites some members of the Jundallah terrorist organization to Iran. 


·         E'temad reports on the second day of registration for presidential candidates at the Interior Ministry. There have been 94 applicants among whom there are no well-known faces.

o    Updating the data, election headquarters chief Kamran Daneshjou says 172 individuals have applied for candidacy, 161 of whom are male and 11 of whom are female.

o    Rumors that Sadegh Tabatabaei, son of Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad-Baqer Soltani Tabatabaei and relative of the late Imam Musa Sadr, is running. Tabatabaei was earlier caught by German authorities smuggling narcotics into Germany.

o    Following the comical registration process, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani considers the application process of the common people as portrayed by the media as degrading to the institution of Presidency.

·         Mir-Hossein Mousavi faces tough questions from members of the Islamic Association at the University of Kerman: 

o    "Q. What is your opinion about executions after the revolution?"

o    "A. The revolution had just taken place, there were coup d’états and terrors all over the country to the degree that even common people were killed. During the time right after the revolution, we had the greatest number of newspapers and the greatest degrees of freedom. Restrictions were imposed after different bombing attacks.... One must take all these events [including the start of the Iran-Iraq war] into consideration as parts of a greater story and one can't accuse this regime of killing people in the beginning of the revolution. This regime was a victim...

o    There are those who say that the executions took place when I was Prime Minister and I didn't do anything [to stop them]. But one must pay attention to the fact that separation of powers was in place from the very beginning of the revolution. You can ask me questions about the performance of the executive during the years of the war and I'll answer you clearly and frankly and honestly. One can't ask questions without regard to the circumstances..."

·         Mehdi Karrubi, speaking in Yazd, protests against "cleansing of executives critical of the ninth government" and praises former president and Yazd native Mohammad Khatami:

o    "During the past couple of years we had reached a situation where we even could speak of democracy. The 1997 victory of Mr. Khatami changed the political conditions and atmosphere of the country and today even the opponents speak of democracy, clashes of ideas and civil society...

o    But during this government, we have reached a point where individuals who have been ministers in three governments is only an advisor and the reason behind this is an interview in which he has said 'There are no resemblances between Ahmadinejad's performance and Martyr Rajai's performance.' Only because of this, he has been marginalized..."

·         Mousavi silent when the crowds in Kerman greet him with the slogan: "Canons, tanks, the Basijis, none of them work any more" [a reference to the revolutionary slogan chanted against the Shah's police and military in the final phase of the 1979 revolution "Canons, tanks, machine guns none of work any more."—ed.]

·         Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi suggests establishment of a Youth Ministry.

·         Friday Prayer at Tehran University to be led by Ayatollah Jannati.

·         Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting Director General Ezzatollah Zarghami says "there may be presidential debates on TV."

·         Industrial and mining sector workers in Qazvin attend meetings with Ahmadinejad.

·         Ahmadinejad speaking to the theologians and clergy of Qazvin: "We must present the thoughts and path of the Imam [Khomeini] to the entire world..."



·         Ahmadinejad visits Syria to discuss reform of the global economic order.

·         (E) Rowhani: U.S. change result of its failures in confronting Iran.



·         Karrubi in Yazd: "Today the country is going through tough economic times. But what we see now is just the beginning and the effects and the price of things done by the gentlemen need to be paid in the coming years...In the industrial sector we see stagnation to the degree that the capitalists and those active in this field have left the scene and bringing them back is difficult...Stagnation in the construction sector means stagnation in all businesses and fields related to the construction sector and tens and hundreds of trades related to it. And the rising demand for housing taken into consideration we must also expect rising housing prices...Change of administration of the country is not an easy job, but it has a solution which is popular participation in elections."

·         Economic advisors of Ahmadinejad and Mir-Hossein Mousavi debate at Amir Kabir University. Khalilian represents the Ahamdinejad camp and Farshad Mo'meni the Mousavi camp.



·         80 Iranian representatives participate in Iran/Brazil economic cooperation summit in Sao Paolo.

·         (E) Caspian Sea states envision $200 billion trade in 2020.


Religion, Culture and Society

·         Majid Entezami's Symphony of the Islamic Republic recorded.


Military and Security

·         IRGC chief Mohammad-Ali Ja'fari speaking at the seminar on the role of the Basij in society:

o    "As opposed to other revolutions of the world, our revolution will never be stopped...As the honorable President of our Islamic Revolution of Iran has declared, there is a fundamental difference between the Islamic revolution and all other revolutions and even after the passing of 30 years since the Islamic revolution, every single day the speed of this revolution is increased...

o    In the beginning of the Islamic revolution as decreed by the blessed Imam [Khomeini], the Construction Jihad was established to develop and construct the country as a way of correcting underdevelopments of the past, but because of the achievements of this institution the Construction Jihad gradually developed into a bureaucratic organization...

o    The main goal of development of the country is not only development and construction. The elevated goal of development is the combination of development and justice...

o    Despite the efforts done in fundamental development of the country, there is still a gap between the state of affairs and the ideals and development must be coupled with justice...Most certainly development coupled with justice is among the most important goals of the revolution and this is here where the Basij plays a role...Whenever the revolution and its movement has experienced obstacles it was the Basij which pushed the revolution forward..."

o    (E) Threats unable to stop revolution.

·         Ayandeh News reports problems in Khuzistan phone system because of Kuwaiti attempts to tap the lines.

·         Press TV reports the Pakistani state's extradition of some members of the Jundallah terrorist organization to the Islamic Republic.


Human Rights and Labor

·         Twelve members of the Gonabadi Sufi order released from prison.


Photos of the Day

·         Poverty in Chahbahar: "Where the oil money is not spent."

·         Old picture of Supreme Leader Khamenei visiting the house of Mir-Hossein Mousavi’s father.