A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].


 (E) = Article in English


Guardian Council officially approves four candidates; poll shows 58% Azeris support Ahmadinejad; aide says Ahmadinejad not to participate in presidential debates; Karrubi says reform opportunity lost during Khatami’s presidency; Ahmadinejad claims global powers competing to forge relations with Iran; Italian foreign minister cancels visit to Tehran; Iran successfully test-fires new long-rage missile; Ahmadinejad plays down Obama’s recent talks with Israeli premier, says world powers now tolerate Iran.


  Presidential Election: General

Presidential Election: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

  • (E) According to his aide for media affairs, Ahmadinejad will not participate in televised election debates.
  • (E) Ahmadinejad defended his provincial visits even though they have been criticized as a way to unfairly campaign for re-election.

Presidential Election: Mir-Hossein Mousavi

  • Mir-Hossein Mousavi to dispatch 50,000 representatives at polling stations across Iran. 
  • Mousavi's campaign distributes free green T-shirts.
  • Karrubi promises to appoint female cabinet ministers, says Iran/U.S. relations should not become an election issue, complains about the Shahram Jazayeri embezzlement issue plaguing him.
  • Karrubi talking with AFP: "The golden opportunity for reforms was lost during the Khatami presidency... Repeating mistakes of the past radicalizes the reform movement... Dealing with the economic hardships are my reform priorities...In case I win the election, I'll get together a team of experienced economists to solve the economic problems...attracting foreign investments is another priority...the method of money distribution, withdrawals from the foreign exchange reserve and isolating many good economic experts are deeds of the past which I will not continue...In case I should get reelected I'll totally disband the moral police patrols from the streets...the nuclear issue will not stop. The nuclear portfolio is not within my sphere of competence but is within the sphere of competence of the Supreme Leader." 

Presidential Election: Mohsen Rezai


Religion, Culture and Society


Military and Security

  • ISNA releases Ahmadinejad's speech at the launching of Sejjil II. 
    • Defense Minister Najjar says Sejjil II has entered the phase of mass production
    • (E) Iran successfully tested its new missile, Sejjil 2, in the province of Semnan as part of its long-term defense program.
  • (E) To celebrate the Iranian recapture of Khorramshahr from Iraq in 1982, the Iranian military launched thirty major projects to improve technological warfare and defense.

Nuclear Issue

  • Foreign Ministry of France says it will not suspend nuclear negotiations with Iran. 
  • (E) The Iranian Embassy in Beijing released a statement rejecting an American news report that revealed Tehran-Beijing nuclear cooperation
  • (E) Ahmadinejad responded to recent U.S.-Israeli talks about Iran’s nuclear program by stating: “We regard the trend of negotiations as positive because their tone has greatly changed… They [world powers] have now announced that they have to tolerate Iran – an indication that the Islamic Republic has overcome high mountains.”



Photo of the Day