A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail ahmad.majidyar@aei.org.

 (E) = Article in English


Ahmadinejad’s lead over Mousavi reportedly widening after debate; Alef News Agency accuses CIA of helping Ahmadinejad win reelection; Ahmadinejad’s sister urges export of Islamic revolution outside Iran’s boundaries; Central Bank reports of 23.6% inflation refutes Ahmadinejad claim; Mousavi calls on Supreme Leader to stop Ahmadinejad’s “misbehavior”; Rezai pledges to set up international consortium for uranium enrichment if elected president; Guardian Council Secretary welcomes Obama’s admission of U.S. plot against Iran’s elected government in 1953, urges change of American policy towards Israel; Indian company stops exporting gasoline to Iran under American pressure


    Presidential Election: General

Presidential Election: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

  • Ahmadinejad's website. http://www.ahmadinejad.ir/
  • Al-Ghadir Foundation General Secretary Ayatollah Abol-Ghasem Khazali, speaking to the Azeris in Gorgan: "Some who does not vote, or votes for someone else than Ahmadinejad have helped the reform movement and the monafeghin[Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization]."
  • Ahmadinejad speaking at a rally in Isfahan:
    • "Four or five years after the victory of the revolution, a group gradually took over the grand executive leadership of the country and their thoughts and ethics were different and deviated from the path of the Imam...
    • Instead of preferring the revolution, they prioritized their own interests rather than the honor of the nation and a ring was made of executives who did not consider themselves servants of the people, but considered themselves masters and grandees of the country... They preferred the interest of their own and their family's interest to the interests of the nation and this happened simultaneous with gradual formation of circles of might and wealth to the degree that their connection with the masses of the nation was cut...even their way of speaking shows this...This group were either deviated or came and began filling their own pockets and hoarding personal belongings and they thought that the belongings of the revolution was their personal belonging...
    • Do you remember me saying four years ago that you the dear nation entered the arena to break this selfish ring of arrogant executives? Back then you entered the arena and sent your own son into the midst of this ring with your decisive vote. On that very day I declared that it seems that this servant of the nation has entered a no go area of power belonging this close and selfish circuit which has distanced itself from the nation...
    • During the past four years they attempted to crush your vote and your will and when they lost hope they got together in a united front to avoid total collapse of the front of might and power, the bullies who constantly thread upon the rights of the nation...for the past three months the worst insults, allegations and lies [have been dealt to me] only because I resist and don't capitulate the rights of the nation...They should know that such insults don't count and even if you get together hundred times of today and make allegations and insults hundred times worse I am the servant of the great Iranian nation and I have prepared my throat and torso for your insults…
    • They ask why you have mentioned the names of certain individuals and that this deals blows to the revolution. I want to ask this: If the rights of a nation are tread upon, if the dignity of a nation is tread upon, if the existence of the revolution is tread upon, would this not do the revolution harm...? They ask me why you have mentioned certain names. I say it is only the beginning of the path. If you do not stop conspiring against the nation, if you do not stop laying your hands on the belongings of the nation, if you do not stop making troubles for the nation, each and every one of them will be presented to this great nation. They have insulted our nation, they have insulted the noble people of Isfahan. They consider themselves superior to the nation. They want the entire country for themselves. But history records that they during 24 years, with their deeds made the hearths of the nation and the Supreme Leader bleed..."
  • Parvin Ahmadinejad, the president's sister: "The issue interesting Imam Khomeini most was that the Islamic revolution should not be entrapped within the boundaries of Iran...the ninth government has managed to realize this goal...Today someone has come to manage the affairs who wants to take Islam into the heart of Europe...In the past there were people who said that religion has nothing to do with freedom, but freedom is within the very core of the religion of Islam..."
  • Ahmadinejad explains his debate technique against Mousavi. Video
  • Asr-e Iran releases a letter by Ahmadinejad when he was governor of Ardebil in which he writes "the name of Hashemi Rafsanjani is magnificent in history." 
  • Alef News Agency releases Ahmadinejad's second campaign video
  • Ahmadinejad speaking in Tabriz: "They have warned me to take care. Let me announce it from here. God is witness that we have prepared our throats and our torso for sharp lances of allegations but we will never sign a document against the interests of the Iranian nation...Movement must be in the direction of the revolution. Recently at a television program I mentioned a few names after which some protested against me on why I did so...the problems began when they started sacrificing the revolution for the sake of their own interests." 
  • Ahmadinejad promises more disclosures of economically corrupt individuals. 
  • The Central Bank's statistics report inflation at 23.6 percent while Ahmadinejad claimed inflation is down to 15 percent
  • Ahmadinejad campaign condemns the Mousavi vs. Karrubi televised debate which allegedly did not clarify the viewpoints of the candidates, but was used to launch attacks against Ahmadinejad. 
  • Parvin Ahmadinejad, sister of the president speaking in Qom says pre-revolution pictures of Zahra Rahnavard, wife of Mousavi, without the hijab in Iran is the work of the Mousavi campaign to give the Ahmadinejad campaign a bad name
  • Presidential advisor Mohammad-Ali Ramin says disclosure of economic corruption is the path to salvation of the future of the country. 

Presidential Election: Mir-Hossein Mousavi

Presidential Election: Mehdi Karrubi

Presidential Election: Mohsen Rezai



  • Guardian Council Secretary Ayatollah Jannati speaking at Tehran Friday prayer addresses Obama's speech in Cairo: "Obama has shown a few green lights and confesses that America intervened in [the 1953 coup against Mossadeq] and toppled a democratic government and also points at the hostage taking of Americans in Iran and stresses that he wants change in relations... Such things could suggest change, but one of our main issues is the problem of Israel and you must tell what you want to do with Israel's crimes. Do you still want to continue your support…? Do you want to continue with your double standards in the democracy issue: Why do you intervene in Lebanon and send money to this country so its election turns out to the benefit of American interests…? Whenever you say soap and bubbles come out of your mouth, you should now, when you say change [behavior] the hatred of the people will change..." Jannati commenting continued American presence in Afghanistan and Iraq said: "We hope that the Americans gradually come to their senses and listen to our words." 

Military and Security


Nuclear Issue

Photo of the Day

  • Mousavi versus Ahmadinejad debate