A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English



  • The newly-appointed interim Friday Prayer leader of Tehran says that the post-election unrest in Iran was pre-planned and urges the Parliament to endorse Ahmadinejad’s cabinet.

  • [E] Ahmadinejad calls for punishment of leaders of post-election unrest. He urged the judiciary and security officials to deal strongly with ‘main agents’ behind the unrest and warned that the leaders should not be immune while their inferiors were punished.

  • Ahmadinejad's candidates for cabinet positions deliver speeches at Friday Prayer ceremonies all over Iran.

  • Tehran Show Trials:

  • Ahmadinejad says Supreme Leader’s thanking the government means the government has passed the exam.  

  • Participating in the funeral ceremony of Iraqi Shi’a leader Abdul Aziz al-Hakim, Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani praises the late Hakim's "recognition of the Guardianship of His Holiness Ayatollah Khamenei."

  • A'zam Taleghani, daughter of Ayatollah Mahmoud Taleghani and Secretary of the Islamic Women's Association, in an open letter to the parliament:

    • "People have serious concerns and worries. If you do not try to support the gentlemen Karrubi and Mousavi in a sincere and courageous manner, and do not arrest, prosecute and punish the torturers and those sexually abusing or killing the youth and prisoners, the nation will totally lose its confidence in you..."

    • "Since the beginning of the revolution, you have used the logic: Don't criticize; be quite; don't weaken the Islamic Republic; and you are saying what the enemy says. This has let some people who are worse than the foreigners grow roots [in Iran] and become an infectious sore which cannot be easily cured…"

    • "Imprisoning the torturers and murderers, prosecuting and punishing them in public, and informing the public of unofficial prisons and their closure are necessary. Don't just fire them. They have endangered the honor of the Islamic Republic to the degree that they are much more dangerous than foreign opponents of the Islamic Republic. The public expects that justice is done in order to avoid a regime collapse. They believe the enemy is in our midst."

  • [E] Ahmadinejad says detainee abuse was a plot by enemies.

Military and Security

Human Rights

Nuclear Issue

Photos of the Day

  • Burial of Iraqi Shi’a leader al-Hakim.  

  • Students meet Supreme Leader Khamenei.