A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English



Human Rights


  • In response to Argentinean authorities’ criticism against appointment of Ahmad Vahidi as Defense and Armed Forces Logistics Minister, Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qashqavi urges Argentine not to intervene in Iran's internal affairs and to search for "the true perpetrators of this terrorist act. [A reference to the 1994 bombing of a Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires]"
    • (E) An official Argentine statement calling Ahmad Vahidi's defense ministry nomination, "an affront to Argentine justice and the victims of the brutal terrorist attack" on the Jewish community center in Buenos Aires, was "clear interference in the Islamic Republic of Iran's internal affairs," Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi says.
  • Raja News reports that the French government has acknowledged its intervention in the internal affairs of Iran when it bailed Clotilde Reiss out of prison. [Link upon request].
  • (E) Yemeni officials report seizing Iranian-made weapons from Shia rebels, Foreign Ministry spokesman Hassan Qashqavi claims Iran has "good relations with Yemen" and calls the recent fighting Yemen's internal affairs.
  • The health of Iraqi Shi'a leader Abd al-Aziz Hakim, currently hospitalized in Iran, is reportedly deteriorating.

Nuclear Issue

Military and Security

  • Masoud Jazayeri, the deputy chief of staff of the Armed Forces for cultural and defense publicity: "The public opinion is impatiently waiting to see the relevant authorities, including the Judiciary, deal with the traitors of the revolution and the regime, who engaged in a soft coup and planned unrest and chaos in Tehran...We are not in a situation to wait much time to prosecute the rioters. The national security of the country dictates that the rioters should be punished as soon as possible...Those individuals whose acts of betrayal are widely known should not call for establishing parties and groups...As the main layers of the soft coup remain relatively untouched, one cannot be optimistic that we will not face similar threats and crises in future. Therefore, before these movements reorganize , the intelligence and judiciary institutions must answer to their historical, Islamic and legal call...These individuals, with the help of foreigners, are trying to prepare the ground for making the crisis permanent and take the time and place of the next operations under their control..."
  • Revolutionary Guards Chief Mohammad-Ali Ja'fari speaking in Sari: "Creating doubt about the election result was meant to execute orders issued from counter revolutionary centers and centers of espionage outside the country. And some people inside the country were tasked to execute the plans...The philosophy of the Guards and the Basij is the permanence of the revolution and its Islamic content. This is a reality which we have inherited from the teachings of the infallible Imams. And in order to achieve these goals we must establish lines of defense in suitable places..."
  • Revolutionary Guards Ground Forces Chief Mohammad Pakpour says the IRGC operational and intelligence forces located at the Hamzeh Seyyed Al-Shohada Base have killed 26 members of the PEJAK group in northwestern Iran.
  • Ansar News reports fierce Shi'a resistance in the Sa'deh province of Yemen in the face of government forces' advances into the province.
  • Ahmadinejad, speaking on a live television program about his cabinet for the second time, criticizes former Intelligence Minister Mohseni Ezhehi, whom he said handled post-election unrest weakly.
  • Hassan Shah-Safi, Islamic Republic of Iran Army Air Force Chief, says Iranian strategic fighters can reach 3,000 kilometers. Shah-Safi also said Iranian aircraft are capable of refueling in air and said "One day, we will force the enemy out of the Middle East region." Shah-Safi continued: "Under circumstances where many politicians thought there was a serious threat against the country preparedness of the Armed Forces deterred the enemy from engaging in operations..."

Religion, Society and Culture

  • On the occasion of the month of Ramadan, Asr-e Iran publishes a backgrounder on clerical garbs, estimating the price of various qualities.
  • An anonymous group called "Theologians and Scholars of the Theological Seminary of Qom" publish an open letter to Grand Ayatollah Sanei in which they urge him to "repent in the face of God and apologize the President and the Revolutionary nation" in order to "avoid anger of the nation" following Sanei's criticism of Ahmadinejad. (Link upon request).



  • Ahmadinejad in Bandar Abbas: "Those who chant the slogan of sanctions don't know what is happening in the world. Their talk of sanctions is a proof of their political backwardness...Our industry has reached a point where we - during only a week and by changing production lines - can produce all gasoline needed. By utilizing Setareh Refinery of Bandar Abbas during the next couple of years we will become one of the largest producers of gasoline..."
  • €178 million investment in Zagros Petrochemical Plant in Assalouyeh to produce 12 percent of the world’s ethanol needs.
  • Fars News Agency claims that India, the largest exporter of gasoline to Iran, has no plans of increasing gasoline price
  • Responding to German Chancellor Angela Merkel's threat of "further sanctions" against Iran, Qashqavi says "sanctions are futile and won't prevent Iran from pursuing its legal rights."


Photos of the Day

  • Rafsanjani and the Larijani brothers at the Expediency Council.
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Seddighi, newly appointed Temporary Tehran Friday Prayer Leader.
  • Preparation of Zoulbia & Bamiyeh on the occasion of the Ramadan.
  • Ramadan