A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English



  • Supreme Leader Khamenei addresses student representatives:
    • In reply to the students’ call for punishing the leaders of the post-election unrest, Khamenei stressed: “One must not act based on guess and rumors when dealing with such important issues…Everyone should be assured that there will be no shortcomings in dealing with crimes. But in dealing with such important issues, the Judiciary should make rulings based upon solid reasons. Should there be some hearsay, rumors and shreds of evidence, they cannot be used as a basis for rulings..."
    • Commenting about the Tehran University Campus affair, Khamenei added: "In the case of University Campus issue, grave irregularities have taken place, and a special dossier has been prepared so the perpetrators can be punished regardless of their institutional affiliations...”
    • Expressing thanks to the Security Police, Law Enforcement Forces and the Basij, Khamenei added: “Such great services should not mean not to prosecute crimes. If any member of these organizations has committed a crime, it must be addressed."
    • Commenting about individuals killed in Kahrizak prison: "Such matters should not be mixed with the main issue of the post-election events...The progress achieved over the past years has earned the Islamic regime an elevated status of privilege and dignity at national and international level. And the 85 percent glorious popular participation [in the election] would further enhance its position. But suddenly action was taken to annihilate this honorable event, which I believe was planned in advance."
    • Contrary to the on-going prosecution of individuals allegedly involved in a foreign conspiracy of velvet revolution to topple the Islamic Republic, Khamenei pointed out: "I do not accuse vanguards of the recent events of being agents of foreigners, such as the United States and Britain, since this issue has not been proven to me. But there is no doubt that this movement was a calculated one, whether or not its leaders and vanguards were aware of it. Of course, the planners of this movement were not sure if their scheme would succeed. But activities of some individuals after the election gave them so much hope that the main planners used all their resources and media and electronic means to amplify their and their agents’ presence in the arena…Luckily, the enemies still do not understand the affairs of Iran and they do not know the Iranian nation. Therefore, they were given a slap in the face and a blow to their mouth in the recent events. But they still have not lost hope and they are not letting go..."
    • "The main events were not unexpected, but those who entered the arena were contrary to our expectation."
    • "In this extremely sensitive region, the Islamic Republic, with its ever increasing power, is resisting the domineering powers of the world. Naturally, the vast Zionist network, the multinational companies and economic centers, which also manage the politics of America and Europe, see the great power of the Iranian nation and the Islamic Republic as an enemy and counter it...Such conspiracies will only end when Iran with the help of its young generation reach such a position in the fields of science, economy and security that there is nearly zero chance of harming it. I therefore always urge the universities to encourage science and improve the software knowledge since I consider scientific superiority one of the long-term pillars of the country..."
  • Kayhan's editorial demands the Judiciary deal decisively with economic corruption and the real leaders of the post-election unrest.
  • Academic Sadegh Zibakalam, close to the Rafsanjani family, says Rafsanjani will not abandon the path of "balance", even if his son Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani is arrested in the wake of confessions in the Tehran Show Trials implicating him in an alleged velvet revolution scheme.
  • Parviz Sorouri, spokesman of the investigations committee in charge of probing allegations of rape of political prisoners in Iran, says the allegations are "total lie."
  • [E] The family of Hashemi Rafsanjani, the Head of Iran's Expediency Council, has filed a lawsuit against Ahmadinejad.

Military and Security

  • New appointments in Iran’s Army.
    • Representative of the Supreme Leader to the Islamic Republic of Iran Army Hojjat al-Eslam Seyyed Mohammad-Ali Al-e Hashem appoints:
      • Hojjat al-Eslam Mohammad Hassani the Chief of Air Force Ideological-Political Indoctrination
      • Hojjat al-Eslam Mohammad-Bagher Roshandel the Head of Army Command Council Ideological-Political Indoctrination
      • Hojjat al-Eslam Mortezai the Deputy Army Doctrinal Inspector
      • Hojjat al-Eslam Samadi-Nasab the Deputy of Ideological-Political Indoctrination at the Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base
      • Hojjat al-Eslam Yazdi the Deputy of Air Force Ideological Political Indoctrination
      • Hojjat al-Eslam Mozaffari the Deputy of Navy Ideological-Politcial Indoctrination.
      • Colonel Shahin Taghi-Khani the Deputy of Cultural and Public Relations at the Army Ideological-Political Indoctrination Organization

Human Rights

  • The British Museum to display Cyrus the Great's Cylinder of Human Rights in Iran.
  • Mohammad-Ali Abtahi, Mohammad Khatami's Vice President jailed at Evin Prison, updates his weblog from Evin: "Today also I went to the interrogation room. It is a prison, with continuous interrogations. The interrogator changed his room. The interrogator was the same I have repeatedly called a good friend of mine. There were a couple of computers connected to the internet near his table. I also saw my own laptop which was taken the night I was arrested at home. Without realizing, I made a sigh. The interrogator asked why? I told him I thought of 'Webnevesht' [Abtahi's blog] about which I have had no news for two months and ten days...There was a time when my website was a part of my family. The interrogator said 'from today you can write and post it.' I was shocked for a moment, but I realized he was not joking. I said that the prison of course has its own circumstances. I must accept your considerations and control, but what I write must be my own words. You can only tell me what not to write. He accepted. Relying on God, I began writing. I do not know if they will allow me to write everyday or every once in a while. I will write whenever they allow me to. Just to make a couple of points this very first day.
    • 1. I know that many of my friends are imprisoned in the cells all round me. I have heard some names here and there. Being in prison is tough, and we all share this. We are confused by our being here. But we understand why they have arrested us. When they cannot arrest the real leaders they arrest us who could provide backup to the leaders and make speeches on behalf of them. To put down the unrest shaped as a result of the delusion of fraud, they have also arrested those who have an organization and could use their organization. But I think that most of the people who are prisoners know that no decisive fraud has taken place, and that social unrest is not to the benefit of the people of Iran. And the heats of those who created the unrest and encouraged it does not beat for the people of Iran. I believe this is the crisis which is tormenting the spirit of the political prisoners of this event. I hope that the decision makers understand this point and free this group so they can freely present this viewpoint in society. All the issues I spoke about three weeks ago, prior to anyone else in the court and will explain more in the future.
    • 2. Each year during the month of Ramadan I would sit by the computer until morning. This year I sit alone in my room and read, pray and recite the Quran. I therefore have reached a high degree of spirituality. But I cannot deny that I miss every single one of the readers of Webnevesht. I have heard that people of the blogosphere have expressed great kindness. I have not seen it, but I am thankful and I beg you to pray for me.
    • 3. I miss my family very much. During this time Fatemeh has got her B.A. Congratulations! Amir-Ali, my sweet grandson has begun walking. Congratulations to Faezeh. Farideh spent her summer waiting for me, and Fahimeh my wife is carrying the burden. I have had some phone contacts with them and a few meetings. They have prayed a lot for me and struggled for my cause. You pray for me too. Loneliness is painful.
    • 4. I am truly yours, just like when I was free."


Nuclear Issue

Photo of the Day