A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected]

(E) = Article in English



  • Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani speaking to senior judicial authorities:

    • "All individuals who, during the recent unrest, took steps to break the law and questioned the foundations of the regime should know that the Judiciary will not remain silent and will deal with them according to the legislation and regardless of positions they hold..."
    • "The Judiciary hereby announces that all individuals who insult the regime by spreading false rumors in order to disturb the public mind will be dealt with decisively..."
  • News related to the Quds [Jerusalem] Day demonstration:

  • In response to clerics’ opposition to appointment of female cabinet ministers, Ahmadineajd says: "One can't go to Qom with regard to all sorts of questions [and matters of state.]"

  • (E) Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs Manouchehr Mottaki appointed Amir Mansour Bourqei as his acting deputy. Bourqqei previously served as the Deputy in Strategic Planning for the government.


  • (E) President Ahmadinejad is scheduled to visit New York to attend the 64th annual UN General Assembly meeting. He is expected to use this public forum to denounce the double standard the Obama administration has implemented in regard to its foreign policy.

  • (E) Citing a December 26, 1975 agreement on the use of Iran-Iraq border rivers, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal and International Affairs Seyed Mohammad Ali Hosseini has announced that those agreements have been respected throughout the recent construction of Iranian dams. Hosseini refuted claims that Iraqis living on the border of the Arvand Roud waterway were subject to environmental disaster because of the Iranian infrastructure.

  • (E) Mohammad Karami Raad, a member of the parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission, explained that the tense relationship between the US and Iran has been caused by the implementation of US sanctions and US interference in Iranian domestic political affairs. Mr. Raad asserted that the Iranian government had been eager to embrace Obama and his foreign policies, but has yet to see a practical change in American diplomacy.

Military and Security

  • Basij Chief Hojjat al-Eslam Hossein Ta'eb, speaking on the occasion of the release of the first Pupil's Basij computer game called "The Den of Espionage," says the game has been produced to "unmask the evil deeds of the Zionist regime..."

  • (E) The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) criticized the West’s support for Israel. The IRGC alleged that "The western and Arab supporters (of Israel) are willingly or unwillingly accomplices in the regime's (Israel) shameful crimes." This statement was made in anticipation of Quds Day on Friday, an international day of solidarity with the Palestinian people.

  • (E) Iran is expected to showcase tens of its operating aircrafts during a military parade on September 22nd. The goal of the parade is to flaunt the defensive capabilities of Iran.




  • SAMSUNG to introduce fast internet in Iran.

  • (E) Iran issued an ultimatum to India regarding India’s participation in the multi-billion dollars gas pipeline that would transport gas to New Delhi through Pakistan. While India has been involved in this project form the outset, its leaders have refused to continue with negotiations until it establishes transit fees with Pakistan. Iran has threatened that if India does not resume negotiations, Iran will approach China to join the venture.

  • (E) Iran has reached an agreement with Azerbaijan to import five billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. Azerbaijan is developing its giant Shah Deniz field, with gas reserves of 1.2 trillion cubic meters along with various international companies.

Religion, Society and Culture

  • Meeting "Sacred Defense" [Iran/Iraq war] filmmakers, Supreme Leader Khamenei says the values of international film festivals are contrary to the values of the Islamic Republic.

  • The authorities arrest an individual who dressed in Arab garbs has traveled around Fars Province, claiming he was "the journalist of Islam" and the "announcer of the coming of the Imam of the Era."

  • (E) Across the River, a film by Iranian producer Abbas Ahmadi Motlaq is set to be showcased in the Bangkok International Film Festival at the end of September.

  • (E) Vahid Jafari was awarded at the first International Humor Graphic contest BH-Humour 2009 for his depiction of Peter Jackson, the director of Lord of the Rings. The exhibition is expected to run until October 18, 2009.


  • (E) Swine flu has caused the death of four Iranians. General Director of the Iranian Health Ministry's Public Relations Department Abbas Zarenejad has said that the number of people infected with swine flue has reached 391.


Nuclear Issue

  • (E) The Iranian delegation to the International Atomic Energy Agency protested Israel’s allegations against Iran’s nuclear program. A member of the Iranian delegations declared “I would like to join previous lecturers and express my serious concern over the nuclear program of the Zionist regime. The delegation urged the international community to act against the threat to stability posed by Israel.

Photo of the Day

  • Iranian artists meet Supreme Leader Khamenei.