A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected]

(E) = Article in English



  • Rafsanjani comments on his absence from delivering the Quds Day Friday prayer:  

    • "It is not important who will be speaking. Anyone delivering the sermon to the people will defend the rights of the Palestinian people, and by condemning the injustice of the Israeli regime will express the demands of the Iranian nation..."
    • "I don't think it’s necessary that I, after thirty years, should again be the one holding the sermon. After all, I can also say the words of the Palestinians at other Friday prayer sermons. In my opinion one should not attach a political dimension to this matter..."
    • Replying to a journalist’s question that according to the foreign media Rafsanjani's absence was due to internal conflicts between Iranian leaders, Rafsanjani said: "No matter what we do they will claim it is a sign of conflict...During the past thirty years of the Islamic revolution in Iran, the imperialist powers have always spoken of conflict and power struggle [in Iran], but we in Iran don't know of such things...With friendship and solidarity, we are engaged in an even better management of the country..."
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Saghgha-ye Biria, Presidential Adviser in Clerical Affairs, urges Ahmadinejad to pay attention to the sources of emulation’s advice on the appointment of female cabinet ministers.

  • Hojjat al-Eslam Ahmad Salek is elected Spokesman of the Assembly of the Combatant Clergy.

  • The famous pro-government praise singer Hajj Mansour Arzi criticizes Ahmadinejad’s new First Vice President.

  • Mohammad Ali-Abadi, who failed to obtain a vote of confidence as Energy Minister, is rumored to be appointed as head of the Cultural Heritage Organization.

  • Statements with regard to the Quds [Jerusalem] Day:

    • Aftab-e Yazd editorializes: "This writer shares the viewpoint of Mr. Mir-Hossein Mousavi: One can't deplore the misfortune of the Palestinian people but choose silence when it comes to the unprivileged strata of the Iranian society..."
    • Reformist politicians urge the Iranian public to participate in Quds Day demonstrations.
  • Ayatollah Dorri-Najjaf-Abadi, former Supreme Prosecutor General, says his 1982 letter in which he sought acquittal of certain allies of former Industry Minister Behzad Nabavi charged with terror bombing of the Prime Minister's Office only dealt with one individual, Hassan Kamran, signaling that the case could reopen against the rest.


  • Statements regarding Quds Day:

    • Foreign Minister Mottaki: "Had the Islamic states been united in annual initiatives, the Zionist regime would not have dared to try to seize the entire Beit al-Moghaddas [Jerusalem.]"
    • Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani says the Palestine issue is not only a "supranational" issue, but it is also "in the national interest of the Iranians and many other countries."
    • [E] The daughter of the late Imam Khomeini, Zahra Mostafavi, says Israel aims to occupy Islamic World in long term. "Fortunately the Muslim nation's sensitivity about the Holy Quds does not permit the criminals to achieve their objectives so easily, as they each year renew their strong support for the Palestinian nation," she emphasized.
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Mojtaba Zolnour, Deputy Representative of the Supreme Leader in the Revolutionary Guards, addressing members of the Basij of the Employees in the Cultural Sector in Karaj:  

    • "One aim of the latest discords was to insult and trespass the red lines. This is one of the serious strategies of those engaged in the unrest.  For some time they have been engaged in it, are continuing to do so, and there is absolutely no signs of retreat..."
    • "With such actions, the leaders of the recent unrest will most certainly not be approved of [by the Guardian Council] at any other election..."
    • "They were defeated at the election. But they thought that they could do as they please since everything was over for them. In other words, they are more interested in revenge. But some others are concerned and want to continue their political life..."
    • "These few individuals, who are the main leaders, advance their agenda in such a way that they do not lose their political life..."
    • "That the regime does not deal with these individuals decisively is not because of weakness. Some measures are not suitable to be taken at some instances. The regime is perfectly aware of the chaos, but it should become clear to the people..."
    • "But it has been absolutely clear to the authorities of the regime that this unrest has its roots abroad. It was clear that [former Vice President Mohammad-Ali] Abtahi was consulted by the foreigners and received money from Arab and European states. Abtahi was responsible for receiving Arab money and [Reza] Khatami [brother of former president Mohammad Khatami] was responsible for receiving money from European states..."
    • "Mr. Karrubi is eager to be dealt with by the regime...In the month of Ramadan Karrubi prayed all the time to find some documents for his claims [of rape in Iran’s prisons]..."
    • "Should the regime put such individuals on trial they will become heroes, just like the [first President of the Islamic Republic Abol-Hassan] Bani-Sadr. The regime allowed him to leave the country. Had he been put on trial he would have become a political hero and after his death the regime would have faced problems at the commemoration of his death, his dismissal, his presidency...These people must be made politically dead, not political heroes...But in general the regime has no fear of such individuals. Let them say whatever they want. It is not that the regime is incapable of dealing with them..."
  • [E] Ahmadinejad will address the summit of the United Nations General Assembly on its inauguration day.

  • [E] Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak says Iran does not pose an existential threat to Israel.

Nuclear Issue

  • Rafsanjani discusses Iran's nuclear issue:

    • "Iran’s access to peaceful nuclear technology was close at hand during the previous dictatorial regime. Several reactors were being built...All this stopped after the revolution and we had to begin anew. But now they deal with us in this way. And their argument is that if one has access to enrichment, one also will be capable of producing the bomb. This is true, but we do not have such intentions..."
    • "Fundamentally, it is not our policy to pursue a nuclear weapon...Our current policy is to produce the nuclear fuel of our reactors ourselves and expand electricity production and use the nuclear technology in agriculture and other industries..."
    • "In the path of complete access to peaceful nuclear technology we do not think that a military arms race is suitable to our Islamic thoughts..."
    • "We have been negotiating the nuclear issue for years and our cooperation with the IAEA is much broader than the NPT. But until now the counterpart, including the 5+1 states, have not taken a single positive step towards Iran..."
    • "During the next two weeks, negotiations will take place with the 5+1 states. Therefore, we must wait and see if they have learned any lessons from the past and if they are ready to recognize Iran's rights. We, of course, as we have announced on numerous occasions in the past, guarantee them that we do not pursue any other goal but peaceful goals..."
  • Foreign Ministry Spokesman Qashqavi condemns accusations of French officials against Iran's nuclear program and says: "Hostile and irrational statements of French officials are contrary to the spirit of the civilization and knowledge of the French people and are disrespectful towards the inalienable rights of the Iranian nation...Such statements show the influence of the authorities of the Zionist regime and do not reflect the level of knowledge of the French."

  • Senior Presidential Adviser Javanfekr, in an interview with the French New Agency, says: "Iran is a nuclear power and will not tolerate any threats from Western powers during the October 1, 2009 negotiations."

    • Javanfekr also adds that "recognizing Iran as a nuclear power" is the "first step" in normalization of relations between Tehran and Washington." Javanfekr stressed: "We have announced that the negotiations will be based upon our proposed 'package' and our proposed 'package' does not include Iran’s nuclear program. As our president has announced, the nuclear issue is over..."
    • "We have the technology. This is the reality which they must understand. Had we not achieved enough mastering of technology the situation would have been different. They must understand that we have also made very fast progress in other issues..."
    • Javanfekr also criticized President Obama: "He only talks of change but does not do anything. He could either release frozen Iranian assets after the Islamic revolution of Iran or end the sanctions."
  • [E] Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki says that the place for holding October 1st negotiations between Iran and 5+1 group is not finalized yet, although Turkey is proposed as an option.


  • Mohsen Rezai's supporters publish Mihan.

Religion, Society and Culture       

Military and Security

  • Iran’s Revolutionary Guards issues stern warning to protestors ahead of Quds Day.

  • Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi says news related to procurement of S-300 air defense systems from Russia will be released next week.

    • Aftab-e Yazd adds that the Defense Minister's statements will also include innovations in Iran's domestic arms industries.
    • [E] The Iranian Army Air Force plans to display tens of different types of its operating aircrafts in an air show to be staged during military parades next week.


  • [E] An economic reform committee approves a plan to slash off three zeros from the Iranian rial to fight spiraling inflation.

  • Sarmayeh warns of increasing inflation.

    • E'temad reports rising prices: Sugar cubes 10,590 rial per kilo, powdered sugar 8,470 rial per kilo, lamb meat with bone 131,970 rial, and the like.
  • E'temad reports that privatization of the Iran Telecommunications has been postponed. The Revolutionary Guards was expected to buy 51 percent of the shares.

Photos of the Day