A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected]




Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • El-Baradei to visit Iran to discuss Iran's cooperation with the IAEA.
  • President Obama's statements about beginning of a "constructive dialogue in Geneva" make the headlines of Fars News Agency.
  • Javan editor Seyyed Nezam al-Din Mousavi accuses the "reformists" to be flirting with the "borders of treason" in the nuclear issue.
  • [E] Iran’s Foreign Minister gives an outline of Tehran’s expectations and suggestions for the one month of talks that began in Geneva on Thursday. "We believe that these negotiations have started off in a constructive mood," Manouchehr Mottaki told reporters in New York. "We hope that the other side will all also enter these talks with a serious political will and a constructive approach…We have come to table with a clear work plan," PressTV quoted Mottaki as saying.
  • [E] Speaker of Iran’s Parliament Ali Larijani says the country’s “positive attitude” in Geneva talks will lead to rational results. 
  • [E] Iran’s chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili emphasizes that all nations should have the right to peaceful use of nuclear technology, pointing out that Iran will not abandon its nuclear right. "We are committed to our commitment in the framework of the NPT, and at the same time we will go ahead and stick to our nuclear rights in the framework of the NPT," Jalili said after his talks with six world powers.
  • [E] China welcomes the “progress” made in the Geneva nuclear talks between Iran and six world powers. "China welcomes the progress made in the Geneva talks and appreciates the flexibility shown by all parties," chief of the Chinese Foreign Ministry's Department of Arms Control Cheng Jingye said in a Thursday statement.
  • [E] Iran and the six powers agree for talks to continue until the end of October.

Photo of the Day



(E) = Article in English