A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].


(E) = Article in English




  • Ghasem Ravanbakhsh, Partov-e Sokhan's political editor: "The Supreme Leader [on Nov, 3] warned the government that relations with the United States must be based on a change of the U.S. position and their abandoning of earlier methods...The Leader of the Revolution believes that relations with the United States are impossible without the United States changing its policies...The United States desires to negotiate with us so that the movements of the world lose hope. They want Iran to sit at the negotiation table as the leader of its counter parts so the movements lose faith in continuing their struggle...There are some who think speaking politely to the United States is in the interest of the country. This is a huge mistake which the Supreme Leader reminded the gentlemen of and said that they should not be naive." 

  • Students supporting Mousavi disrupt a panel debate at the Science and Technology University so Commander Ghasemi of the Revolutionary Guards, Zimbabwe's ambassador to Iran, and a certain "Spanish fighter Ja'far Gonzales" have to cut their presentations short. 

  • [E] Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani has called for expulsion of members of the anti-Iran terrorist group, the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraq.

Military and Security

  • IRGC chief Mohammad-Ali Ja'fari appoints Commander Ali-Reza Azimi Jahed as Revolutionary Guards Chief in Sistan va Balouchestan province. 

  • Ja'fari also appoints Ghodrat-Allah Mansouri as Qods Base Chief in the South East. 

  • Hassan Abbasi, Revolutionary Guards theoretician, to deliver a speech at Sharif University next Saturday. 

  • Tagheer News reports anti-riot force' attack against Shiraz University students on November 4th.

Nuclear Issue

  • Asr-e Iran editorializes: "The 5+1 Group should know that if it does not provide Iran the needed fuel for the Tehran reactor, not a single gram of uranium will leave the country and Iran will also be forced to move towards 20 percent enrichment. In that case the 5+1 Group can't complain since it has brought it upon itself and against the regulations of the IAEA for selling nuclear fuel for a non military reactor of Tehran." 

  • [E] Tehran's temporary Friday Prayers Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami says no Iranian will compromise on the country's nuclear rights. "Nobody will make a deal on national nuclear rights; neither will anybody turn a blind eye to the legal right of the nation. If westerners wish to play on us and refuse to deliver fuel to Tehran research reactor, Iranian nuclear scientists will step forward and provide the fuel too," Khatami said in his second Friday prayers sermon in Tehran University campus. "They (westerners) constantly claim that Iran should build trust, while you are the ones distrusted by us," he added.


Religion, Society and Culture

Human Rights


Photo of the Day

  • Flyer with slogans distributed by Mir-Hossein Mousavi's supporters on November 4, 2009.