A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English




  • Hojjat al-Eslam Kazem Sedighi, Tehran Friday Prayer leader:

    • "In its dealings with Iran, the United States has shown its ugly face and as the Supreme Leader said on the first day of the year, whenever they by their actions demonstrate that they respect the rights of Iran, we will engage with them, but despite the soft and deceptive slogans of the President of the United States, there has been no change in behavior of the United States..."
    • "There were some simpletons in this country who believed relations with the United States would bring heaven to Iran. They didn't comprehend the evil deeds of the United States, but the move of the United States in confiscating Iranian property is a sign of enmity with the honorable Iranian nation..."
    • "In their travel to China, they attempted to persuade this country to impose sanctions against Iran, but the Chinese did not accept this. But Obama himself has prolonged sanctions against Iran one more year which in itself is a proof of their predatory and unjust nature..."
    • "The United States should know that has never feared any threat. During eight years of imposed war Iran not only fought the United States, but also waged war against the Eastern block and did not fear anything..."
  • Ahmadinejad heads to Bolivia on Tuesday, and will also visit Gambia, Brazil, Venezuela, and Senegal.

  • Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani warns against what he called "American Islam" which he says is "infiltrating the Persian Gulf region and doing away with the culture of sacrifice and martyrdom."

Military and Security

  • Ahmad Mighani, the Army's Air Defense Chief: "Russia was meant to deliver the S-300 system several months ago, but it seems that under Zionist and imperialist pressure, delivery of this technology has been delayed...We hope that our friends in Russia - our common interests taken into consideration - do not get affected by negative propaganda since the S-300 is a defensive capability and not offensive and we hope delivery of this system takes place according to contracts..."

  • Hojjat al-Eslam Kazem Sedighi: "In contrast to principles of statesmanship, the Yemeni government, instead of opposing violation of its territory by foreign elements, has become a partner in crime of Saudi Arabia and the ruler of Yemen is Saddam [Hussein] of today and the international organization should stop continuity of this crime..."

Nuclear Issue

  • Ahmadinejad addresses the people of Azerbaijan on national television:

    • "The nuclear issue provided the people, through a wholehearted and praiseworthy effort of resistance led by the wise teachings of the Leader, to forever remove the threat from the nation..."
    • "Four years ago they imposed a lot of things upon us which created obstacles in the path of our progress, which means that even the smallest affairs had to be regulated and authorized by the IAEA..."
    • "Since the coming to power of the ninth cabinet Iran's policy in the nuclear issue changed. We decided to resist, and the enemy used whatever means it mastered. Today it no longer has any instrument left to threaten us with and the winning card of the nuclear issue is in our hands..."
    • Addressing internal opposition to the government's nuclear policy Ahmadinejad said: "Unfortunately, today, some people have become super revolutionaries. Of course, we are not sorry to see this, but these people are the very same individuals who until yesterday were critical of me and claimed Ahmadinejad is annihilating the country."
  • Sazdar, member of the National Security Committee of the Parliament, says Russian and Iranian authorities provide contradicting information on the date for inauguration of Bushehr nuclear plant.

    • Ka'bi, member of the National Security Committee of the parliament, attacks Russia for delay in completion of the Bushehr nuclear plant.

Photos of the Day