A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar, and Michael Rubin. To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English



  • Addressing members of the Islamic Association at Tehran University, Rafsanjani said: "Without popular support, the regime will be harmed."

  • Ahmadinejad issues a presidential decree nullifying former President Khatami's scheme to increase activities of the moral police and other relevant government authorities to impose a harsher dress code on Iranian women. extent

  • Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani: "Truly, the Guardian Jurist is the national unity of the state...I am amazed by some targeting the Guardian Jurist...My understanding of the Supreme Leader is that the scope of his thought in cultural, political and diplomatic issues encompasses all political inclinations, and individuals can rely on it. There is no monopoly in this regard...I, of course, recognize that there are some who want to interpret this issue in a different way, but vigilance of the Leadership has always preserved and protected the foundation of the Islamic revolution and the national interests and have served against dictatorship..." In a separate part of his speech, Larijani also defended Rafsanjani: "Mr. Hashemi is a part of the history of the Islamic revolution and the blessed Imam [Khomeini] said about him: 'Hashemi [Rafsanjani] is alive, therefore the revolution is alive.' Hashemi [Rafsanjani] has always been a companion of the Imam [Khomeini] and the Leadership and a year ago he, speaking at Sharif University, said that ‘the Leader is my love and I am proud of this’." Larijani also praised Ahmadinejad as a servant of the revolution.  [Link upon request]

  • Mehdi Hashemi Rafsanjani in an open letter rejects accusations against him by Tehran Prosecutor General.

  • Former Vice President Mohammadali Abtahi is bailed out of prison.

  • Ahmadinejad offered condolences to the family of former Interior Minister Ali Kordan, who died of cancer.


  • Denmark's Ambassador to Tehran invites Tehran Mayor Qalibaf to Copenhagen to attend the upcoming environmental summit.

  • Analyzing Iran’s relations with Russia and China, an editorial in Kayhan expresses the doubt that a deal between Russia and the United States may have prevented Moscow from completing the Bushehr nuclear plant and delivering the S-300 air defense system.

  • Qods' editorial praises the Ahmadinejad government's "infiltration into the backyard of the United States," a reference to the president’s current tour of Latin American countries.

  • National Security Committee member of the Parliament Jalali urges the government to "activate Islamic cooperation organizations" to help the Yemeni Shi'as.

    • (E) The Iranian parliament has urged the government to take an active role in protecting ‘persecuted Yemeni Muslims’. While Iranian officials have previously agreed to avoid intervening in Yemen’s domestic affairs, leaders of the Islamic Republic are willing to mediate and attempt to resolve conflict.
    • (E) A group of religious students gathered in front of Yemen’s embassy in Tehran to protest the slaughtering of Yemeni Muslims. The students chanted “Down with the US”, “Down with Britain”, “Down with Wahabi” and “Down with the traitor Al Saud” among other provocative statements.
    • Justice Seeking Students will demonstrate in front of the embassies of Saudi Arabia and Yemen to protest against harsh treatment of the Yemeni Shi'as.
  • (E) The Iranian Ambassador to Turkmenistan confirmed that President Ahmadinejad will visit Turkmenistan at the invitation of Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow. The meeting is expected to address increasing bilateral ties in energy, transportation and economics

  • (E) In a meeting with Iranian scholars, clerics, and tribal leaders, Iraqi Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani identified the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan as the root cause of regional insecurity. Larijani also urged the Iraqi population to turn out for the upcoming domestic elections.

  • (E) Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Seyed Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi announced that Russia and Iran have agreed to cooperate in various technological fields. Sajjadi contrasted Russia’s willingness to engage with Iran to Western unwillingness to develop more expansive policy towards the Islamic Republic. 

  • (E) Manouchehr Mohammadi, a senior adviser to the Iranian foreign minister, declared that President Ahmadinejad is not seeking a diplomatic relationship with the United States. According to Mohammadi, any negotiation with the American leaders must be approved by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

  • (E) Gambian President Yahya Jammeh has called for Iran’s assistance in resolving issues within his state. Jammeh expects that increasing bilateral ties will yield incredible benefit to Gambia.

  • (E) Mohammad-Javad Larijani, a senior Iranian politician, warned the West against its staunch stance regarding Iranian nuclear development. Larijani denied any charged of Iranian misconduct and said, “we seek our rights and nothing more."

  • (E) In a press conference with Iran’s Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi, Kuwaiti Prime Minister Nasir al-Muhammad al-Ahmad al-Sabah announced that Iran and Kuwait are prepared to engage in mutual cooperation. Al-Sabah and Iranian leaders addressed potentials for collaboration on water, electricity, oil, investment, aviation and the establishment of a joint bank.

  • (E) Iranian leaders rejected American interference in regional affairs in reaction to Washington’s offer to mediate disputes between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan over the division of Caspian Sea. Iran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said, “We don’t consider the presence of foreign forces in this sea appropriate.”

Religion, Society and Culture

  • Ayatollah Mohammad Mohammadi Reyshahri, Representative of the Supreme Leader to the Pilgrims and former Intelligence Minister: "The thirty-year-long experience of the Islamic revolution has demonstrated that everyone who opposes the regime and the Leadership of Holiness the Imam [Khomeini] and his just and qualified successor, His Holiness Ayatollah Khamenei, will not meet a blessed destiny. Of course, one must not think that such criticism harms the fundamentals of the regime. It creates trouble. But with the grace of the divine wisdom and the insight of the majority of the people, the regime will survive..."

  • According to Alef News Agency, a special working group has been set up to improve the Ahmadinejad government's relations with the clergy.

  • Ayatollah Morteza Moghtadayi, Qom Theological Seminary Dean, says "opposition to the Guardian Jurist equals opposing God and the Prophet, peace be upon him."

  • (E) The Iranian volleyball enjoyed a single victory at the FIVB Men's World Grand Champions Cup 2009 in Japan. While The Iranian team defeated the Egyptian delegation, the group was unable to beat the Japanese, Polish, and Brazilian teams.

  • (E)Take Care of Your Cows, a film by Iranian director Rouzbeh Sajjadi Hosseini, is scheduled to be showcased at the Evora International Short Film Festival that runs until December 1st.



Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Ali Bagheri, Supreme National Security Council Deputy: "The West is not ready enough to continue the dialogue."

  • Bagheri stresses that nuclear fuel "will not leave Iranian territory."

  • (E) In a meeting with the Undersecretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council, a Chinese deputy foreign minister announced that Iran has played a constructive role in the P5+1 talks. The major powers are discussing a proposal to transport Iranian uranium abroad for further enrichment that was rejected by Iran in mid-October.

Photos of the day