A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].

(E) = Article in English


Iranian authorities step up crackdown on protestors; Judiciary Chief Larijani pledges to deal decisively with ‘rioters’; Grand Ayatollah Sanei deprived of religious title; Mousavi unveils plan to restore order in Iran; hardliners call for strict punishment of reformist leaders; senior clerics demand execution of Ashura Day protestors; parliamentary committee voices objection to U.S. Senator Kerry’s potential visit to Iran




Military and Security

  • Ministry of Higher Education plans to establish a passive defense university.

  • According to Jahan News, 14 members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization, along with 16 members of the Bahai faith, have been arrested during the Ashura demonstrations last Sunday.

    • The Intelligence Ministry says the latest demonstrations were called for by "the Monarchists," and the individuals arrested include Marxists, Bahais and members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization.

  • The long-awaited report by the Parliament’s National Security Committee about post- election unrest has turned out to be a five-page document discussing general issues with no references to specific cases.

  • Commander Mohammad Javadzadeh Kamand, Military Service Chief of the Law Enforcement Forces, explains the new military service law to Sobh-e Sadegh's readers: "The structure of the armed forces necessitates a military service in our country, but how long this service should be depends on the needs of the time...Right now, the greatest criticism against the military service is that it is a waste of time. Therefore, we need to change the methods in a way that the military service is to the liking of the youth...The Revolutionary Guards is authorized to recruit a certain percentage of its soldiers among members of the Basij..."

  • Revolutionary Guards Political Bureau Chief Yadollah Javani analyzes the "conspiracy" of the Green Movement.

  • Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Shirazi, the Supreme Leader's Representative to the Revolutionary Guards' Navy, demands decisive action against Mohammad Khatami, Mir-Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karrubi.

  • Sobhe Sadegh condemns Mousavi's latest announcement proposing five ways to solve the current crisis in Iran.

  • News about arrests of political and civil rights activists:

  • Iraqi forces are in a state of alert following the Fakkeh oil field crisis between Iran and Iraq.

  • Mohammad Rasoul-Allah Revolutionary Guards unit of Tehran in a public statement announces that the members of the Basij will suppress "the voice of the enemies."

  • Emrouz reports sporadic clashes between the riot police and protestors in Tehran on December 31, 2009.

  • Atashiha Mosque and Abousaleh theological seminary in Shiraz were attacked once again by plainclothes agents.

  • The Intelligence Ministry asks the public to send all their documentation and intelligence, including video footage and pictures, of "anarchists and those sewing discord" to the intelligence headquarters of the ministry. The Intelligence Ministry also warned that "some protesters cooperate with foreigners and counter revolutionary groupings" and urged the protesters "not to become and instrument in the hands of the foreigners as it has been the case until now."

  • According to E'temad, Intelligence Minister Mohsen Ezheh'i has at an official meeting with the Supreme Prosecutor General discussed execution of three individuals arrested during the Ashura unrest.

  • Latest news of crackdown on political and civil rights activists:

    • Political activists arrested in Gorgan: Hossein Raf'ati, former Gorgan governor, Ehsan Alayifar, youth branch member of the Mosharekat party, Ali Gholitabar, head of the Mojahedin of the Revolution organization in Golestan province, Morteza Izadi, member of the 1388 headquarters of Gorgan, Ali Shahini, student, Hamid Barchian and Dadvar, both war veterans, Moheb Hosseini, religious praise singer.

    • Seven members of the human rights reporters' committee.

    • Ali Hekmat, executive director at the banned Khordad, Ne'mat Ahmadi, lawyer, Mohammadreza Zohdi, editor of banned Aria, and Mahsa Hekmat, journalist at E'temad.

    • Former students of the late Grand Ayatollah Montazeri: Mohammad Taheri, son of Ayatollah Taheri, Mostafa Izadi, journalist, Mahmoud Dardkeshan, former commander of the Revolutionary Guards, Morteza Amiri Jarghouyeh, preacher, Emadeddin Baghi, journalist and civil rights activist, Ahmad Ghabel, cleric.

    • Mohammadsadegh Javadihesar, E'temad-e Melli [National Trust] Central Committee member and head of the Mashhad branch of the party.

    • Maryam Zia, children's rights activist, is arrested in Tehran.

    • Some 210 students at Mashhad University, including Sadra Mirdamadi, a relative of Supreme Leader Khamenei who clashed with Ansar-e Hezbollah vigilante groups which attacked the university.

  • According to Parleman News, 52,000 people have lost jobs in Asalouyeh.


  • According to JARAS News, a meeting at the Voice and Vision of the Islamic Republic has decided to wage a psychological war against the opposition by depicting them as members of the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization.

Iran in the Afghan Media

  • Afghan border security forces have seized an ammunition depot in Herat Province along the borders with Iran.

  • Iranian border guards shot dead an Afghan citizen trying to enter Iran. Gholam Dastagir Azad, the governor of Nimroz Province, slammed the firing by the Iranian security forces and demanded that they respect border protocols.

  • The railway project linking the Afghan province of Herat to Iran’s border is yet again postponed, mainly due to lack of funding.

Photos of the Day