A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected]

(E) = Article in English



  • Both Iranian government and opposition are preparing for Revolution Day rallies: 
o Emruz reports the recommendations of the Green Movement to its   followers on the occasion of Revolution Day, February 11.
o The Reform Front Coordination Council urges the public to participate in the Revolution Day festivities on February 11, wearing green symbols.
- So does Mehdi Karrubi, calling for peaceful demonstrations.


  • Ugandan parliament says that Tehran has asked Uganda to work against sanctions against Iran.
  • Crown Prince of Qatar to Ahmadinejad: "My country does not consider the Islamic Republic of Iran just as a Muslim neighbor, but considers it the strategic power of the region and its protector."
      o Ahmadinejad responded that the Westerners do not desire stability in the region.

Air and Space

Nuclear Issue


o "The people follow us because they are the best people in history, in the   entire history of man no people as good as the Iranian people have populated planet earth..."
o "This plan [is an economic] reform plan. We must advance all together and we will do so God willing and everyone will see that it is not as they thought..."
o "If we wanted to eradicate the subsidies, [concerns about the reforms] would have be justified but no one speaks about doing away with the subsidies. That will all return to the people, but will do so in a correct way and will be directed into the pockets of the people for the sake of specific projects or for securing welfare of the people, for the sake of production and export, economic and cultural services..."
 o "In our country, investment has been restricted because one of the greatest restrictions to investment is the issue of subsidies. If one sector manages to attract subsidies other sectors will remain underdeveloped and no one will invest there. Therefore, in the electricity sector demand is higher than supply, but in other sectors there is either no demand or demand can't be stimulated even with the greatest stimulants...”
 o "We desire to hand out subsidies to everyone with the exception of those who do not volunteer, or are so well off that they do not need subsidies and don't ask for it. There are indeed eight million people who have not applied for it..."
 o "Those with stable salaries such as laborers, public servants, small shopkeepers, peasants and the like will be covered by support and will certainly receive subsidies and there is no reason for concern..."
 o "Those who misinform the state about their income level have to return the subsidies..."
  • Basij Chief Mohammad-Reza Naghdi: "Our big problem today is unemployment. Jobs must be created. We should not allow our market to retail foreign goods, especially Chinese products which have dealt a blow to our economy."
  • Fresh red meat will be distributed at heavily subsidized prices to labor and public servant cooperatives prior to the March 21st New Year eve.


Iran in the Afghan Media

  • Iranian Ambassador to Kabul Fada Hossein Maleki has announced support to Karzai government’s reconciliation efforts with the Taliban. Maleki reiterated Iran’s commitment to Afghanistan’s reconstruction, noting that Tehran had so far spent $350 million in rebuilding the country. But Afghan political analysts say that Iran is pursuing political agenda in Afghanistan through financial assistance. Wadir Safi, a Kabul University lecturer, says that Iran has not implemented reconstruction projects in any Afghan province but Herat, which borders Iran.
o[E] Head of Iran’s Consulate in western Herat province says his country supports any Afghan-led efforts aimed at bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan. [Current news stories are only available to Pajhwok subscribers, but will be accessible the next day.]

Photos of the Day

  • Libya’s Col. Qadhafi receives Foreign Minister Mottaki.