A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected] 

(E) = Article in English



  • A grandson of former president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has been arrested by the Iranian authorities for allegedly taking part in post-election unrest. Ten days after the results of Iran’s presidential election were announced last year, Hassan Lahouti reportedly left Iran for London. He was arrested on his return at the Imam Khomeini International Airport on Sunday.
  • Supreme Leader Khamenei's Nowrouz speech:
    • "Should the year 1388 [2009/2010] be explained in one sentence, it was the year of the Iranian nation, the year of the glory and victory of this great nation, and the year of the historic and effective presence of this nation in the areas that shaped the destiny of our great revolution..."
    • "After thirty years, the enemies of the country and the enemies of the regime of the Islamic Republic focused all their efforts and energy on defeating the revolution from the within. The nation's insight and unparalleled will to resistance defeated this great conspiracy and hostile act. The eight-month period from the election to February 11th is an experience full of learning and is truly a source of pride for the Iranian nation..."
    • Khamenei also called the year 1389 the year of "double endeavor and double work."
  • Supreme Leader Khamenei addresses the pilgrims in Mashhad:
    • "The eighty percent lively and historic participation of 40 million people in the election was a great event, demonstrating the legitimacy of the regime. International analysts and statesmen, despite hiding this glorious truth, have understood that the Iranian nation insists upon its promises, and thirty years on, is loyal to the foundations of the regime..."
    • "The Islamic character and the republicanism of the regime are inseparable...I'm not accusing anyone, but I know the patterns of the enemy work, and I recognize it just as the people and independent, honest and intelligent analysts attributed it to foreign agents after scrutinizing the trends of the events..."
    • "These realities demonstrate that when the oppressors are unhappy about a country, they wait for the election opportunity so that they can take some people to the streets in case individuals to their liking are not elected. If necessary, they also try to instigate chaos and unrest in order to change the lawful election result..."
    • "On the election day, the people were divided into two groups: One numbered 14 million and the other 24 million, and everyone voted for his/her favorite candidate. But the two groups united after a short time when they realized the plans of the foreigners and the entire nation resisted the enemies, the rioters and the instigators of chaos in a united front..."
  • Mehdi Karrubi expresses concern about unknown political prisoners.
  • Ahmadinejad plans to visit to Shiraz.


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