A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].  

(E) = Article in English



  • Ahmadinejad on U.S. foreign policy under President Obama:
    • "The issue of the United States is a complicated one. The United States used to be at the peak of its power and considered itself the uncontested master of the entire world. But there are many political fights in their country..."
    • "The U.S. influence has evaporated internationally. When they try to know, they find out that a cultural power is emerging, and wherever they go they reach a dead end. Therefore, they have problems with Iran..."
    • "The Americans want to dominate the Middle East, and then the world. This is not doable because of Iran. Therefore, they brought Mr. Obama to change the face [of the United States]. He could be beneficial, but the pressure of the Zionists and Mr. Obama's capitulation to it did not allow this to happen..."
    • "Had Mr. Obama pursued the slogan of real change and done away with amateurism of previous governments, he could have achieved greatness. But he can't do so because he pays protection money to the Zionists..."
    • "We have witnessed some minor changes in U.S. policy, but no fundamental changes..."
    • "Obama has only one chance [to rescue himself] and that is Iran. Mr. Obama can't do anything in Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan, and is also facing economic problems domestically, and he can't do miracles. Therefore, the only place he can do something is Iran, where he can claim to have created change and started cooperation with Iran..."
    • "The idea of harming Iran is all over. No one can harm Iran. It is not that we are looking for a fight. Even now, if we can find a way to preserve our rights and cooperate, we will do so."
  • [E] Ahmadinejad says that he has sent a letter to President Obama, the contents of which will be made public in the near future.

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue


  • Ahmadinejad on domestic issues:
    • Inflation: “The discussion about the economy is not one which will see fundamental changes within a few days...After the global crisis emanating from problems in the housing sector, the government took action, and thanks God, controlled [the crisis] and the people cooperated as well...If we continue this way...we may get close to a 7 percent inflation, and even less by the end of the year, so that people can at a point experience near zero [percent inflation]...The people should not worry about inflation. The inflation number does not play a role, but the purchasing power of the people does..."
    • Housing: "Mehr Housing [scheme] began three years ago and was instrumental in controlling the market. There were also some obstacles which thanks God were eliminated. Today we have a clear program for the villages and for the cities..."
    • Oil revenues: "We are capable of meeting our needs just through the non-oil exports and use the oil money for investments in foundations of the country’s future..."
    • Privatization: "Article 44 [of the Constitution] which was announced in 2005 has been followed by the ninth cabinet from the very beginning, but transfer [of ownership of state-owned enterprises and businesses] since 1995. The total sum of [privatizations prior to 2005] was 30 trillion rials, but during the ninth and tenth cabinets there has been more than 600 trillion rials worth transfer [of ownership], most of which has been through the stock exchange...Article 44 [of the Constitution] is the policy of transferring the economy to the people so that the state management of the economy is transferred to the people...In countries with state-run economies, this trend has taken twenty years, but the speed of this government is very high. For example, most of the banking services were [previously] utilized by state owned companies. We controlled this and gave it to the people... One piece of legislation aims at downsizing the government but there are one hundred bills trying to expand the government. Whenever we give more executive responsibility to the government it means growth of government..."
    • Subsidy reforms: "The fundamental point in this issue [Ahmadinejad's 10-million-rial subsidy proposal to all children being born in 2010-2011] is securing the future. After twenty to twenty five years, our youth want housing and jobs, but have nothing. Therefore, we must think about the future of our children...Therefore, as a part of this proposal, a bank account will be opened in the name of everyone born after the first of Farvardin [March 21, 2010] earmarked for them and no one can withdraw money from the account, unless there is an emergency...Also, the families must pay an amount to the account and I have suggested 200,000 rials at the very minimum, but families covered by supportive institutions will be paid for by the government. The rest of the people must pay for it themselves...I'm opposed to the idea of two child [policy] and have a scientific argument. Today we see that the average number of children in the families is less than two and the Westerners have adopted a wrong policy and they are now paying high subsidies in order to preserve their culture and identity. Why should we pursue their path?...There are those who think we pay the people pocket money, but this is very wrong and I wonder why the theologians have chosen silence in this regard...What kind of life is it that the Westerners have defined for us? Have the Westerners themselves achieved happiness with such policies so we should emulate them?"
  • [E] Iranian and Brazilian industrial and economic officials on Wednesday made over a dozen agreements to launch cooperation between the two countries in 20 different spheres.

Religion, Culture and Society

  • Tabnak News Agency slams the Lost television seriesfor showing its sinister character with Iranian nationality and passport.

Photo of the Day