A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].  

(E) = Article in English


  • Ahmadinejad addressing the City Councils’ seminar says the slogan that “Two children is enough” means there will be no Iran forty years from now. 
  • Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami at Yazd Friday prayers: "Today there is only two lines in this country. The first line is the line of the Imam, revolution and the Islamic regime with the Supreme Leader as its vanguard. The nation, the clergy and sources of emulation follow this line. The second line is the line of deviation from the revolution with the United States, Israel, Britain, the monarchists and deniers of the Imam of the Era as its vanguard."
  • Karrubi tells the Office of Consolidation of Unity student organization that the Green Movement is the natural right of the people and that the ruling elites should recognize it.
  • Office of Mohammad-Ali Karimi, parliamentarian, attacked by pro-government mobs in Kerman.
  • Partov editor Hojjat al-Eslam Ghasem Ravanbakhsh, an ally of Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi, says Rafsanjani will soon be dismissed from chairmanship of the Assembly of Experts and that Hassan Khomeini will be disqualified as presidential candidate.


Military and Security

  • Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi tells commanders of the Ali Ibn-e Abi-Taleb Revolutionary Guards unit that the enemy attacks the Guards because the IRGC is growing more powerful.
  • Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami says that Iran will threaten the interests of the United States around the world should there be military strikes against Iran.
  • Hamid Masouminezhad, Islamic Republic of Iran Vision journalist, released from prison in Rome, Italy, where he had been arrested for arms smuggling.
  • [E] Hezbollah secretary general warns Israel of great risks if it decides to once again attack Lebanon or on any other country in the Middle East.

Nuclear Issue

  • Ayatollah Emami Kashani, Tehran temporary Friday prayer leader: "Those who desire to reach their goals through the wrong path and by deception will never reach anything... Despite the fact that the Supreme Leader has stressed that from our point of view the nuclear weapon is haram [religiously prohibited], we see that the enemies are making accusations against [our] country and threaten us with sanctions, but in the face of the vigilance of the Iranian nation, they will not achieve anything."
  • Ahmadinejad addresses the people of Kish Island: In the world, many revolutions have taken place for the sake of freedom, independence and even for the sake of an Islamic Republic and aside from Iran, three other states are called Islamic republics, but the enemies of the Iranian nation have no problem with them. In the nuclear issue they may even assist [the Islamic Republics] but the enemies of the Iranian nation have understood something from their historical research: Whenever the Iranian nation gets an opportunity, it organizes such a cultural, economic, political and civilizational move which impacts all world affairs."


  • Supreme Leader Khamenei addresses worker representatives ahead of International Workers' Day: "There are some who bypass legislation and purchase factories after which they make a fortune by selling the equipment and assets of the factories and in the end they fire the factory workers. Therefore, all the authorities must be vigilant..."


Religion, Society and Culture

  • Hojjat al-Eslam Mohammad Saidi, Qom Friday prayer leader: "Unfortunately we witness an unsuitable situation with regard to the hijab and makeup of some women and this is today one of the problems of our society... In some cities, it is unfortunately seen that a small group, out of ignorance, does not abide by the hijab issue correctly..." Hojjat al-Eslam Saidi accused the "enemy" of propagating bad hijab which is "their way of dealing blows to the regime" but added: "They must know that they will take their hopes to the grave."
    • Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami in Yazd and Ayatollah Abolhassan Mahdavi in Isfahan follow the same theme.

Photos of the Day