A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].  

(E) = Article in English


  • Rafsanjani addresses journalists and young members of political parties: "Criticism and being critical must never cease and everyone must follow the order of propagating virtue and prohibiting vice and thereby increase public monitoring [of public affairs]."
  • According to Basirat News, Abdollah Jasbi, Azad University dean and a confidante of Rafsanjani, had ordered all professors and students at the university to support Mir-Hossein Mousavi in the 2009 elections.
  • Mehdi Khazali attacks Hojjat al-Eslam Mohtashamipour's campaign against Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi: "Al-Ghadir foundation is not a part of Hojjatiyeh...Mr. Mesbah Yazdi has never been related to the Hojjatiyeh Society and they do not recognize each other..."


  • Head of Afghanistan's Islamic Movement condemns demonstrations against the Islamic Republic in Kabul and says the demonstrators had been "paid with dollars."

Military and Security

  • Air Force flies its drones above the Sea of Oman.
    • More details from the war game in the Persian Gulf.
  • Hassan Firouzabadi, chief of the General Staff, says Supreme Leader Khamenei's order to fight corruption "warms the hearts of and gladdens the Iranian nation and their honorable children in the Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces."
  • According to JARAS, a number of veteran commanders of the Revolutionary Guards complained at a private meeting with Supreme Leader Khamenei about Kayhan's editorial line which they did not believe strengthened "security and national unity."
  • Commander Sajedinia, Tehran Law Enforcement Forces Chief, gives the "hooligans in Tehran" one week to correct their behavior after which they will be dealt with forcefully.

Nuclear Issue

  • Ahmadinejad evaluates his latest trip to New York:
    • "The main reason for failure of such conferences is that those in possession of nuclear arms consider themselves outside the sphere of control and international obligations. They even give themselves the right to impose their will at such conferences..."
    • "We also witnessed that some governments, especially the government of the United States, made statements in order to derail the conference from its original path. They were interested in, and are still interested in, derailing the main issue of disarmament by raising false issues..."
    • "I hope the all those seeking supremacy in the world and who believe that nuclear arms bring supremacy abandon this Satanic and selfish thought and just like other nations find a place in a united line..."

Iran in the Afghan Media

  • Kabul residents stage another rally to protest executions of Afghan citizens in Iran. Video.

Photo of the Day