A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].  

(E) = Article in English


  • Opposition leaders Mousavi and Karrubi call off election anniversary rally, fearing "lives and property of the people," and criticize the government for not allowing a legal demonstration.
  • Rafsanjani's office refutes allegations by Vatan-e Emrouz that he supports "the line of the discord"
  • Esmail Kowsari, parliamentary National Security Committee deputy: "Parliamentarians have signed two statements regarding prosecution of Mousavi, Karrubi, Khatami and Mousavi Khoeiniha.  The first carried 144 and the second 177 signatories...These statements were sent to the Judiciary. The judiciary chief said that their cases were complete for trial but under current circumstances we must wait because the Judiciary finds it expedient..."
  • First Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi speaking in Qom criticizes wealthy people in Tehran "who fill their swimming pools in northern Tehran and wash their cars with water which is more expensive than oil..." Rahimi's criticism comes one day after Revolutionary Guards Political Bureau Chief Yadollah Javani's complained about emergence of an "urban aristocracy which has distanced itself from the values of the revolution."
  • Kayhan ridicules Karrubi and Mousavi's request for permission of anniversary rally, and asks "who else is left among their supporters apart form Bahais and Monafeghin [Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization members]?"

·         [E] Ahmadinejad blamed the developed countries for the global climate change that has caused a severe decline in water resources.

·         [E] Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani underlined the importance of unity inside the country to confront pressures imposed by foreign countries.

Nuclear Issue

  • Reactions to the U.N. Security Council Resolution sanctioning the Islamic Republic:
    • Ahmadinejad at a press conference in Tajikistan:
      • "These resolutions are not worth a nickel to the Iranian nation. I sent the message to one of them that these resolutions you pass is like a used napkin which must be dumped in a trash can."
      • Said Jalili, Supreme National Security Council secretary, announces: Choosing the option of confrontation will meet Iran's decisive response...The path of confrontation against the rights of the nations is a blind alley and will prove unsuccessful and costly for those pursuing it...The package which was presented to the Islamic Republic of Iran more than two years ago presented a suitable foundation for cooperation of the international society regarding shared concerns...The International Disarmament Conference in Tehran and active participation in the conference reevaluating the NPT showed that most countries of the world have a positive view regarding the proposals made in the package...Therefore, the Islamic Republic of Iran will continue its efforts to shape such dialogues and cooperation with all interested states...The Tehran Declaration was also a step in this direction..."

o    [E] Tehran’s representative to the IAEA Ali Asqar Soltaniyeh reiterated that the UN Security Council's illegal intervention has politicized and further complicated a “technical issue” which falls within the jurisdiction of the IAEA.

o    [E] Iran's parliament speaker Ali Larijani said the US “game” against Iran was being spearheaded by the "Zionist lobby.”

o    [E] Iranian Foreign Minister Mottaki condemned the new sanctions resolution as a "backward" step on the “political chessboard.”

o    [E] Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami: "We should use this opportunity to expand and indigenize technology in our country.”

o    Ali-Akbar Salehi, Iran Nuclear Energy Organization director general: "China is gradually losing its respectable position."

o    Kayhan editorializes: "The United States pursued consensus with regard to the resolution but failed."

o    [E] Iran's Permanent Representative to the UN Mohammad Khazaee cautioned that approval of UNSC sanctions against Iran will derail interactions between the two sides.  "This shows that the other side has opted for confrontation, and in this case the Islamic Republic of Iran has no option but to properly address the (other side's) chosen option.”

  •  [E] British Foreign Secretary William Hague says the EU should take further measures against Tehran.  “I think it is very important that the EU does take further measures to show that the EU is prepared on this subject and others to use its weight in the world.”
  • [E] The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) says the new UN sanctions against Iran are not conducive to finding a peaceful solution to Tehran's nuclear issue.
  • [E] Hamas: "Hamas forcefully denounces the imposition of unjust international sanctions on Iran. This is an example of a policy of double standards—punishing Iran for its peaceful nuclear program and defending Israel, which has an important nuclear arsenal."




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