
  • Supreme Leader Khamenei addresses the people of Bushehr:
    • "This dusty circumstance is sometimes such that even some elites also commit mistakes and are wrong. Therefore, in an era of discord one is in need of standards..."
  • Rafsanjani addresses family members of the martyrs:
    • "Today, anyone who causes disunity among the people - even should that be with the best of intentions - this would be a huge and strategic mistake..."
    • "The Islamic regime achieved victory with unity and solidarity of the people and this was how revolts of the counter revolution were neutralized, how the sacred defense ended successfully and how that destroyed was rebuilt..."
    • "Under the present circumstances, when we are more in need of unity than ever before, there are visible and invisible hands beating the drums of disunity..."
    • "How come there are some people today who allow themselves to insult the great household of the Imam [Khomeini] in the name of religion, Islam and the revolution?"
  • Kayhan demands punishment for "heads of the discord."
  • Ahmadinejad addresses the Judiciary seminar: "The first step towards establishing justice is to correct legislation. Should the legislation not be made based on justice, the problems can't be solved or addressed." He continued: "We are also in need of a just executive which executes the law correctly."
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Morteza Agha-Tehrani releases a background article about the history of cooperation between the parliament and the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution on the occasion of the conflict evolving around transformation of Azad University into a Waqf.
  • Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei, Ahmadinejad's chief of staff, addresses the people in Shushtar: "Iranians never engaged in slavery..."

Military and Security

  • Javan Online analyzes the United States' "Iran Office" in Dubai:
    • "During the 1970's and 1980's, at a very minimum, 30% of Iran's economy and labor force was organized in the Arabian Peninsula. This was especially true of southern provinces such as Khouzestan, Bushehr, Fars, Kohkilouyeh va Boyer-Ahmad, Kerman and Hormozgan. In some provinces the rate of exported labor force was 40%. The Americans believed that the Iranian immigrants in the peninsula would enable intelligence collection, make connections and recruit. But Iranian immigrants who are sent to the Persian Gulf region are among the most patriotic people and lack of recognition of their sectarian beliefs in the region in the political regimes of the countries of the Persian Gulf region makes them more devoted to their country. But this issue is completely absent in the analysis of the Americans when it comes to their assessment of Iranians seeking work in the peninsula. Another issue in the Dubai office is that of attracting and recruiting elite members. This group can be attracted to Dubai under the pretense of work, commerce or holidays and be connected with this office."
    • "During the George Bush presidency which coincided with the Khatami presidency in Iran, the Dubai Office under the Vice President's control became more active and more overt. One report says that this office through connections in Iran was attracting elites from the ministries of culture and Islamic culture, and the ministry of science, research and higher education. These groups which reached 20 to 100 individuals were identified with people like Kian Tajbakhsh and were sent to Dubai and from there to the Netherlands or the United States.  The groups reached more than 7,500 individuals and the groups were engaged in 15 to 30 days seminars. The most important issue which was studied in the period was the issue of 'change in Iran' and rather than being theoretical were operational."
    • "Also a specialized bureau was established in Tehran...at the helm of which was Mostafa Tajzadeh, but Javad Eta'at was the apparent director... The office published books by the secular element Hossein Bashiriyeh."
    • The Netherlands Office attempted to attract Iranians based in Europe."
    • "The Washington Bureau is dominated by the neocons."
  • Jahangir Karami, academic, says the unrest in Kyrgyzstan is the result of the policy of establishing artificial borders between the Persian speakers in Central Asia.
  • [E] The Habilian Association, an Iran-based human rights group, called for UN efforts to prepare the ground for the expulsion of the ‘terrorist’ Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization (MKO) from Iraq's soil
  • [E] Hundreds of Iranians protested outside the French embassy against a rally held in Paris on Saturday by MKO members.  “If the French want to continue relations with Iran, they should root out their relations with Zionism and those who are hostile to Iran such as the MKO, and confront them,” a parliamentarian said.·   



Nuclear Issue




Human Rights

Photos of the Day