
  • According to Tabnak, Ayatollah Jannati will remain in the Guardian Council, and so will Ayatollah Mo'men and Ayatollah Rezavani. But Ayatollah Alam al-Hoda and Ayatollah Khatami will be appointed new members of the council. Ayatollah Ka'bi and Gholam-Hossein Elham will be preplaced by lawyers Beygi and Aslani.
  • The Guardian Council rejects the parliament's bill that turns the Azad University into a religious charity [waqf].
  • Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi warns Ahmadinejad: "The honorable authorities should guard their words, and they should know that the family members of the martyrs, the devoted Basij Force, theological seminaries and all those loyal to the revolution will not allow the issue of propagating virtue [amr-e bil ma'rouf]... and the issue of the hijab... to be questioned."


Military and Security

  • Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi says: "The Russians have still not declared their official position regarding the delivery of the S-300 [air defense system.]"
  • Head of Imam Khomeini Relief Organization says recipients of goods and services from the organization did not participate in street demonstrations against the government.
  • Basij Chief Mohammad-Reza Naghdi speaking in Oroumiyeh says the "agents of imperialism make movies [video clips on YouTube] in order to question the position of the Basij."
  • In an interview with Radio France International, Alireza Navayi says the Revolutionary Guards is forcing the Sherkat-e Vahed [Tehran's main bus company] to sell its assets to the Guards as a part of the government's "privatization scheme."
  • [E] The Iranian scholar who was allegedly abducted by CIA agents in Saudi Arabia last year appeared in a new video and confirmed the authenticity of his previous video message.
  • [E] Ali Larijani: "Today, the international system as well as the Middle East nations are facing asymmetrical threats which should be tackled through preemptive measures.”
  • [E] Iranian Interior Minister reiterated that Iran is prepared to increase its cooperation with Interpol to fight drug trafficking, organized crime, and money laundering.

Nuclear Issue


  • Abrar reports that meat and chicken prices are skyrocketing four weeks before Ramadan.  Four weeks prior to the month of Ramadan, Abrar reports fast rising meat and chicken prices.
  • [E] The volume of transactions in Iran's investment market shows a 10 percent growth since the ratification of the UN sanctions resolution, said the Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs and Finance.


Religion, Culture and Society

  • [E] Iran's National Foundation for Computer Games has unveiled the country's first online video game, Sky Fortress, capable of supporting up to 5,000 users at the same time.

Human Rights

  • [E] Iran has sentenced two men to death in connection with the deaths of three detainees in Kahrizak detention center in the aftermath of last June's presidential election.


Photos of the Day