

  • Ahmadinejad: "The enemies of this nation speak of dialogue, but they must know that cowboy methods have no place in Iran. They must enter negotiations with logic so they can receive an answer in kind. We are a patient nation and warn them to avoid the abyss."
  • Hassan Kazemi Qomi, the Islamic Republic's ambassador to Baghdad ends his tenure.
  • Foreign Ministry spokesman Mehmanparast condemns "human rights abuses in Canada," demands an explanation about mistreatment of demonstrators in Toronto.
  • [E] Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki outlines Tehran's solution to the Afghan crisis.
    • [E] Military options…will be to no avail in the country,” said Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast.
    • [E] Afghan Parliament Speaker Yunus Qanuni praised Iran for its support and aid to the Afghan people and called for a regional approach towards the settlement of problems in Afghanistan.
    • [E] Mottaki and his Afghan counterpart Zalmai Rassoul held a meeting on the sidelines of the UN sponsored Kabul International Conference to discuss regional and international issues.
  • [E] In rejecting the US Congress’ offer of talks with Iran, head of the Iranian parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Commission said, “Given the United States' continued inimical positions against Iran, studying the issue at the Commission was fully obviated.”
  • [E] Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani and his Syrian counterpart Mahmoud al-Abrash urged the parliaments of Islamic countries to set up a fund to help Gazans.

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue


Iran in the Afghan Media

·         Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki criticized the role of foreign troops in Afghanistan in a speech at the Kabul Conference. He said the presence of foreign forces had not only failed to improve the situation, but had worsened it. He blamed the coalition forces for rising drugs production and poverty in Afghanistan, and urged for “regional solutions” and “Afghanization” of efforts to end the Afghan problems. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, a former Afghan finance minister moderating the conference, interrupted Mottaki at one point, asking him to focus on the relevant topic and end his speech.

o   Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmai Rassoul has previously described Iran’s participation in the Kabul Conference as “extraordinarily important”.

·         Afghanpaper refutes Fars News Agency’s report that about 1.5 million Afghans are employed in Iran.

Photo of the Day

·         Coffins of the martyrs of Zahedan