
  • Mohammad-Ali Ramin, deputy minister of culture and Islamic guidance, says "new things must be said from the [pulpit of] the Friday prayers," a reference to marginalization of Rafsanjani.
  • As Ahmadinejad denies funding to expand the Tehran metro, Ali Larijani, speaker of the parliament, comes to the aid of the Iranian capital by providing $2 billion to the Tehran metro project.
  • Ahmadinejad cancels a visit to Golestan province.
  • [E] Iran's Guardian Council on Wednesday reelected Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati for another year as the secretary of the supervising body.  Mohammad Reza Alizadeh and Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei were also reelected to remain in their posts as the Council's deputy secretary and spokesman respectively.


Military and Security

Nuclear Issue



  • [E] Iran's OPEC Governor: "The point is that the sanctions are not new.  The shape is different.  We can carry on….I can say that we are flexible if we feel that the euro is good, also the dollar, also the dirham, the yuan and the yen.  We're flexible.”


Iran in the Afghan Media

·         Full text of Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki’s speech at the Kabul Conference:

o   “Despite the increase of foreign troops [in Afghanistan], the security situation has deteriorated… It is, therefore, clear that the increase of foreign forces and military operations has not only failed to address the issues, but has added to the problem. This indicates that the surge of troops is one of the reasons behind the rising insecurity and violence and has turned public opinion against them.”

o   Terrorism is a global challenge. Combating terrorism requires participation of all members of the international community and a comprehensive strategy… Extremism and terrorism are not related to any particular culture, religion or ethnic group.

·         Afghan political analysts express mixed reaction to the Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki’s criticism of the foreign forces at the Kabul Conference.

·         U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon met Mottaki at the sidelines of the Kabul Conference and acknowledged Iran’s “key role” in bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan.

·         President Hamid Karzai condemned the recent terrorist attack in Iran.


Photos of the Day