
  • Commenting on Ahmadinejad's outreach to Iranian expatriates, Parliamentarian Daryoush Ghanbari urges the government to prevent brain drain and migration of the elites, journalists and capital from Iran.
  • Parsineh releases biographical information about Farid al-Din Haddad Adel, son of a former speaker of the Iranian parliament.  
  • Ahmadinejad "discloses the scenario of those who forced the poison chalice on the Imam [Khomeini]" and warns that "some of those who forced the poison chalice upon him are also active today."


  • Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast:
    • "American military officials’ statements cannot be substantiated. We see a great deal of uncalculated statements. The reason behind such statements is their continuous failure to achieve objectives.”
    • "In my opinion, the Zionist regime under present circumstances is too weak to wage a war against countries. And should it engage in such foolishness, it will surely repent badly..."
    • "The Americans have been changing their [military] posture over the past 20 to 30 years [in the Persian Gulf]. Don't take it too seriously..."
    • In reply to a question about Israel’s attempts to assassinate Ahmadinejad: "The goal and intent of the Zionist forces are clear; they have a governmental license to assassinate personalities. They have pursued this strategy so far. Indeed, the president [Ahmadinejad] is one of the personalities in the Islamic world who is the greatest enemy of the criminal nature of the Zionist regime.
  • [E] Afghan President Hamid Karzai is scheduled to participate in a trilateral summit of the three Persian-language countries—Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan—in Tehran later this week.
  • [E] The White House rejected Ahmadinejad’s call for face-to-face talks with Obama: "We have always said that we'd be willing to sit down and discuss Iran's illicit nuclear program, if Iran is serious about doing that….To date, that seriousness has not been there.”

Military and Security



  • [E] Sanctions imposed against Iran over its peaceful nuclear plans will cost Russia up to $13 billion in losses from its arms deals with Tehran, a Russian think tank says.

Religion, Society and Culture

Nuclear Issue

  • [E] Ahmadinejad: “We have announced to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that we are ready for the fuel swap and will be ready for talks in the midst of the holy month of Ramadan [late August] but on the basis of justice and [to discuss] the issues proposed by Iran.”

Human Rights

  • [E] Ahead of the 20th anniversary of the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (CDHRI), Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki slammed the West for spreading “Islamophobia” to mask its “own bleak record”:
    • [E] "[After the CDHRI] Western theoreticians proposed that [the West] would need a new focal point for confrontation and hostility in order to maintain their expansionist policies.”
    • [E] "Instilling Islamophobia,…unreservedly insulting Islamic sanctities, as well as accusing Muslim nations of their own human rights violations, is part of a new chain of actions effectively organized [by the West] in the past two decades.”


Photos of the Day