

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei, Ahmadinejad's chief of staff: "This resistance challenges the autocratic and dictatorial regimes ruling the world. It would be naive to think that the Westerners are concerned about us being armed with the nuclear bomb. I have documents for this claim of mine. What they are concerned about is Iran managing the world... The Westerners were happy if we would stop our nuclear activities, be it only for two months. But I must also add that there were some people inside Iran who were in favor of covert nuclear activity and it is not expedient for the time being to disclose their names and Dr. Ahmadinejad will later disclose their names... In such a way [by forcing the Islamic Republic to appear as if it has stopped its nuclear activities], they wanted to do away with dignity and honor of the Iranian nation. Afterward they would have claimed in their media that the Iranians lied to us and are continuing their nuclear activities covertly."
  • A number of parliamentarians say Iran will not retreat from its decision to enrich uranium to 20%.
  • [E] Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki announced Tehran's agreement with a proposal raised by Director-General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano to hold talks with the Vienna Group on its nuclear issue.
  • [E] A senior Iranian nuclear official dismissed the possibility of Iran's withdrawal from the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and said that the country is seeking to restore its nuclear rights through negotiations.




Religion, Culture and Society

  • Singer Mohammad Nouri passes away.
  • Raja News' columnist, Dr. Akbar Jabbari, on prevalence of sex in modern society:
    • "The open kitchen is the symbol of prostitution in modern architecture. Even the bath can be of glass. There is no need for cover. There is no private space. Shadows of towers weigh heavily upon traditional houses and other buildings. There is no longer chastity in architecture. Such architecture is sexual in its very nature."
    • "…Highways in which one can maneuver between other cars fast, and the very nature of passing between other cars is the satisfaction arising from a sexual longing..."
    • Football as a sexually inciting sport: "Penetrating a hole - the goal - with the ball and enjoying such an act, shooting the ball between the legs of the player from the other team is similar to meeting a sexual counterpart and the satisfaction reached by the active part - the one shooting the ball between the legs of the counter part - and the anger of the passive part - the one being penetrated by the ball. The shouts and cheering, happiness and anger because of winning or losing are all sexual in their nature..." Link upon request.
  • Supreme Leader Khamenei's edict regarding obedience towards the Guardian Jurist:

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