

  • Kazem Jalali, National Security and Foreign Policy Committee member, says "the Supreme Leader alone takes decisions concerning relations with the United States."
  • Ahmadinejad discusses the Holocaust and 9/11: "[The Holocaust] being a construction is clear, because they don't allow us to do research. If it was true, they should have invited scientists and historians to research its hidden dimensions... What was the affair of September 11th? During five to six days they manipulated the world opinion to the degree that attacking Afghanistan and Iraq not only became allowed, but a right... They announced that 3000 individuals have died, but there was no report where they published the names of these 3000 people... Using the death of 3000 individuals - among whom there was no Zionist - news was released that the day before the event they were told not to come to this center [Twin towers] tomorrow and none of them came to their center [place of work.]"
  • Ahmadinejad receives the president of Guinea-Bissau.

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue

  • Kayhan editorializes: "The Americans have repeatedly said that their goal is to change Iran's calculations, but they have not once wanted to think if they have fundamentally understood Iran's calculations or not… Iran does not consider any cost higher than the loss of prestige of capitulating to the West and does not consider any benefit higher than the benefit of becoming nuclear."
  • [E] Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna: "International sanctions against Iran will not solve any problem.”  He added that the IAEA should resolve Iran’s nuclear issue.
  • [E] An Iranian top analyst said that Tehran is likely to attend talks with the Vienna Group (Russia, the US, France, and the IAEA) over the supply of nuclear fuel for its Tehran research reactor within the next two weeks.



Religion, Culture and Society

Iran in the Afghan Media

Photo of the Day

·         Iran beats China in Asian volleyball final.