

  • Vice President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi addressing journalists, attacks Britain: "This country has nothing. Neither are its people human beings, nor are their authorities responsible. It has not even subterranean resources. They are a bunch of idiots ruled by the mafia."

Military and Security

  • Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki at a press conference in Damascus, Syria: "The Zionist regime and the Americans know that their entering a fight with Iran will not be just a fight, but will be a very expansive entanglement..." 
  • Three members of the Revolutionary Guards are wounded in clashes with PEJAK near Urumiyeh.
  • Commander Mohammad-Ali Asoudi, Revolutionary Guards cultural and propaganda deputy, says the month of Ramadan "is an opportunity to counter the soft warfare of the enemy."

Nuclear Issue

Human Rights

  • Kaleme reports on Section 350 of Evin Prison in which most of the political prisoners of the post-presidential election remain and their hunger strike. More here.

Iran in the Afghan Media

  • Afghan daily Hasht-e Sobh examines Iran’s motives for holding a regional summit on Afghanistan. The writer says Tehran wants to repair its image as a destabilizing force in Afghanistan after Wikileaks revelations, and wants to demonstrate to the international community that it holds the key to the Afghan solution. The author says Iran has aided extremism in Afghanistan over the past three decades, and questions Iran’s sincerity in working for peace in the country. He adds that Iran will use the summit as a platform for its anti-Western propaganda.
  • [E] Afghan analysts say Iran’s plan to hold a regional conference on Afghanistan is just another way of Tehran exerting its influence in Afghanistan. "Iran wants to create obstacles for America by holding this conference," Abdul Ghafoor Liwal, head of the Center for Regional Studies, said.

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