

  • Ali Larijani, speaker of the parliament, addressing the United States says "we have no common ground to engage in negotiations with you."
  • Iranian/American academic Houshang Amirahmadi: "I am a friend of Mr. Mashaei, but I consider myself more the friend of the government than of Mr. Mashaei. You see, Mr. Mashaei is a good man and I help him, but of course it does not make any difference if it is Mr. Mashaei or [Kayhan editor] Mr. Hossein Shariatmadari... Everyone who is working for the sake of the country, I help him and consider them all the same. I know that Mr. Shariatmadari has serious criticisms, but I don't have any problem with him. It is possible that he has a problem with me, but that is not the case with me. I consider Hossein Shariatmadari as an individual who is toiling for Iran. We are all Iranians and Muslim and we must all build Iran together."

Religion, Society and Culture



  • A consortium composed of Chinese and Australian companies to develop a $750 million heavy oil project in Iran.
  • [E] Venezuelan Ambassador to Tehran David Velasquez announced his country's preparedness to provide Iran with gasoline supplies up to 20,000 barrels per day.

Nuclear Issue

  • [E] Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Ali Akbar Salehi says the study phase for locating proper sites for 10 new nuclear enrichment plants has been accomplished.
  • [E] Ahmadinejad communicated a new law to all executive bodies of the country ordering them to make their best efforts to safeguard the country's nuclear progress and help bring Iran to complete independence from foreign countries in acquiring peaceful nuclear technology.
  • [E] Iranian Ambassador to Moscow Seyed Mahmoud Reza Sajjadi: "The news on the loading of fuel into Bushehr power plant was so unexpected that it perplexed all enemies of the project and made them utter disintegrated, irrelevant and illogical remarks."

Military and Security

  • [E] The Iranian Army has equipped its fleet of Sukhoi SU-24s with newly developed night operations systems enabling the fighter jets to accomplish missions at nights, a senior Iranian Army Air Force commander announced on Monday.
  • [E] A senior Iranian military commander on Monday has warned the US about the grave consequences of any military aggression against Iran, and cautioned that Tehran will attack and destroy any place from which the US attacks are waged against Iran.

Photo of the Day

  • Mostafa Tajzadeh, recently released from prison, returns to Evin Prison after he filed a complaint against the Revolutionary Guards for intervention in politics.