

    • "The first paradox is that the Americans are pressuring the [Revolutionary] Guards, but they have not yet understood, or pretend not to know that pressuring an institution like the Guards will strengthen rather than weaken it. For the Guards there is nothing more valuable than being called anti-American..."
    • "The second paradox is that the Americans have made the internet one of the pillars of their new strategy against Iran without having any clear idea of the influence of the internet in Iran...The expectation that the regime can be toppled or the behavior of the regime changed through an instrument which for most people in Iran is a hobby and entertainment is very naive." 
    • "The third paradox is more structural. On the one hand, the Americans say that the aim of the sanctions is not to pressure the Iranian people.... The truth is that the United States has never distinguished between the people and the regime in Iran - with the exception of the propaganda..." 
    • "The American strategy needs time to succeed," "which they do not have!" 
  • Hossein Ghannadian, Basij of the Artists chief, says following an Egyptian court deciding to allow production of "a movie insulting His Holiness Imam Khomeini," Iran will produce a movie "documenting the crimes of Hosni Mubarak."
  • According to Aftab News Ahmadinejad’s comments about John Bolton’s "liking computer games" has made Ambassador Bolton "more popular among the Iranian youth."
  • [E] Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki in a meeting with the Netherlands' new Ambassador to Iran C.J. Kole stressed Tehran's willingness to expand bilateral relations with Amsterdam.
  • [E] Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani called on the world Muslims to take proper measures to soften the "harsh" situation of the Palestinian children.
  • [E] Ahmadinejad strongly criticized the United States' performance in providing relief aids for people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan.
    • "While the Americans drop thousands of bombs on civilians in these countries on a daily basis, they avoid humanitarian aid." Ahmadinejad said.
    • "In the US, plans to allocate $50 bln to healthcare for the poor caused a lot of media hype and uproar, while the US military budget for 2010 is over $860 bln, which is eight times more than Iran's total spending budget," did not receive media attention, he added.
    • "The result of this type of governance is either an invasion or the massacre of people," he warned.
  • [E] Iranian Minister of Industries and Mines Ali Akbar Mehrabian reiterated that Tehran and La Paz are resolved to develop their bilateral relations in all fields.

Military and Security

Nuclear Issue



  • Khaled al-Abd, representative of Iran-Khodro car manufacturer in Syria, is killed by his son who was angry with the money his father spent on temporary marriages.
  • Iran Petrochemicals and a consortium from China finalize negotiations to raise $1 billion for development of the petrochemical industry in Iran.
    • Abd al-Mohammad Delparish, National Iranian Oil Company plan director, says private sector will soon take over all oil-related drilling activities.

Religion, Society and Culture

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