

Military and Security

  • Rafsanjani: "The imperialists’ present-day enmity towards Islam and the Quran resembles the infidels’ heavy pressures against the noble prophet of Islam... The fanatics and ignorant people of the Western world are today overtly expressing their hatred against the liberating teachings of Islam and the Quran using Islamic fanaticism and blind terror as excuses... Radical Islamic groups such as al Qaeda and the Taliban are the creatures of the espionage service of the United States and the West... The United States desired to stop the Islamic revolution by strengthening Islamic fanaticism and strengthening and establishing extremist groups. But thanks to the divine wisdom their own creatures have become their own worst enemies."
  • [E] Iranian intelligence minister says foreign countries continue to support unrest in Iran, and that opposition leaders receive foreign aids through non-governmental organizations (NGOs).
  • [E] Iran has called for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from the region, stressing that the wrong policies of foreign countries have just caused a massacre of the innocent people and continued tensions and insecurities in the region.
  • [E] Palestinian Ambassador to Tehran Salah Zawawi has condemned Israel for its “brutal” approach and “crimes against the Palestinian people”, and stressed that occupied territories can be liberated merely through resistance.
  • [E] "Undoubtedly, the fate of the fake and inhumane Zionist regime is nothing but destruction and annihilation," the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) announced in a statement on Tuesday.

Nuclear Issue


Iran in the Afghan Media

Photos of the Day