A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].  

(E) = Article in English



  • Supreme Leader Khamenei accuses "Zionist rings within the United States government" of "masterminding" the conspiracy to burn the Quran.
  • Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki reacts to Hillary Clinton's statements about the Islamic Republic becoming a military dictatorship: "Military dictatorship is the characteristic of the nature of the traditional thought in the United States which through military invasion of other countries and by violating their national sovereignty not only violates international law but every single day their hands are also tainted with the blood of innocent people of other countries and in order to achieve their evil goals they do not even stay short of ignoring international institutions and organizations."
  • "Students" protesting against planned burning of the Quran demonstrate in front of the Swiss Embassy which represents United States' interests in Iran. The "students" burned the flag of the United States, marched on a coffin upon which it was written "liberal democracy" and chanted "God is great," "Death to America," "Death to Israel," "Death to Zionist," and the like.
  • The Islamic Republic extends $100 million aid to flood victims in Pakistan.
  • [E] Iran has freed Sara Shourd, one of the three U.S. nationals arrested by Iranian security forces in July 2009 after crossing Iran-Iraq borders.
  • [E] Ahmadinejad underlined Iran's resolve to boost cooperation with Africa, and voiced Tehran's preparedness to host a summit of the African Union's heads of state.
  • [E] Armenian Foreign Minister Eduard Nalbandian is scheduled to arrive in Tehran today to discuss bilateral ties and cooperation in meetings with senior Iranian officials.
  • [E] Bahraini King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa in a meeting with Iranian Ambassador to Manama Hossein Amir Abdollahian announced his willingness to travel to Iran in a bid to further expand the bilateral relations between the two Muslim states.

Nuclear Issue



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