A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, e-mail [email protected].  

(E) = Article in English



  • Supreme Leader Khamenei's visit to Qom:
    • Khamenei addresses the people of Qom: "Without a doubt, the enemy has failed to separate the people from the Islamic regime. During last year's election, forty million people cast their ballots. In reality, forty million voted in favor of the regime of the Islamic Republic and in favor of the election that took place. This is what angered the enemy. They wanted to neutralize its effects through sedition, but the people resisted. The sedition of 2009 vaccinated the people against the political and social microbes which could have been  effective. It equipped the people... In past years, in some media of the country, a number of people citing knowledge and science wrote against religion and the foundations of Islam, but this had no effect upon the people. The enemies are resorting to fundamental issues because they know how effective these points are in people's life. One fundamental is the issue of Islam minus the clergy, because they have seen what great changes the clergy has made in Iranian society and upon popular movement... Another [issue] is that of Islam minus politics, separation of religion from politics..."
    • According to JARAS, none of the sources of emulation in Qom welcomed Supreme Leader Khamenei upon his arrival.
  • Mehdi Karrubi says the regime authorities’ talk of "economic sedition" is a prelude to the suppression of hungry people.


Military and Security

Nuclear Issue


  • Coverage of the reform of the subsidies scheme:
    • According to the head of the Bank-e Keshavarzi's North Khorasan branch, the government has indeed transferred cash handouts to the bank accounts of the applicants. The amount is $81 per member of the household of the applicant in normal families and $88 per member of the household of the applicants in unprivileged families. The amount is two months worth of cash handout. However, the families will not be allowed to withdraw the amount for the time being.
    • According to Behrouz Moradi, director of the reform of the subsidies scheme, 1.8 million households in North, South and Razavi Khorasan provinces have received the cash handouts. Donya-ye Eqtesad.
    • Donya-ye Eqtesad editorializes: "There is no substitute for a government controlled economy except the private sector. If the government corrects the prices (which would be the right and necessary thing to do) but at the same time increases its own organization and bureaus or even preserves the status quo, there is a risk that the law on correction of the subsidies might become self contradictory and problematic." Donya-ye Eqtesad.
    • The Central Bank reports increased prices of meat, chicken, eggs and cooking oil.
  • The Islamic Republic transfers $1000 to each bank account of half a million infants born this year as a "gift from the president."
  • Deputy Intelligence Minister Majid Alavi warns against "economic sedition" and "economic sabotage."


  • Khamenei addresses the people of Qom: "In 1979 and 1980, they began sanctioning our country. Strengthening of the sanctions in reality serves the purpose of pressuring the people so they will be separated from the Islamic regime. Fortunately, as both the authorities and the people have said and as it was shown in practice, these sanctions will - God willing - not have a significant effect upon the lives of the people... [In order to counter the sanctions] both the elites and the common people must show national unity... Another issue is ever greater solidarity between the people and the elites with the three powers, especially the executive branch which has a heavy burden on its shoulders. Making rumors against it and not paying attention to its toiling is not at all to the benefit of the country... The third issue is the strengthening of the religious faith of the young generation... the fourth point is correct presentation of the clergy to the public... Another issue is to increase insights of the youth... The next issue is that of advancement of science... Another important deed... is attending to the issues which create problems for the people..."
  • According to the Ministry of Industries and Mines, Iran's industrial exports between March 21, 2010, and September 21, 2010, reached $8.9 billion. Donya-ye Eghtesad. 

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