A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, please visit this page, fill out the "New Subscribers" section, and check "Iran News Round Up" listed under "Projects." 

(E) = Article in English



  • Ahmadinejad, meeting family members of war martyrs in Tehran: "In the near future, the day will come when enemies who have done the greatest injustice against us, will need the support of our nation..."
    • Judiciary Chief Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani: "The clear message of the election in the United States was that it is possible that deceptive and hollow slogans attract votes in the beginning, but as the behind the scenes realities become clear and the promises remain unfulfilled, the people will turn away from the deceptive slogans... Unfortunately, Obama has not made palpable change in his foreign or domestic policies despite entering with the slogan of change, and we also see that contrary to the promises of the United States President about Iraq and Afghanistan, they have not been fulfilled and despite agreements of Iraqi groups, the United States still opposes establishment and formation of an independent government."
    • Kayhan editorializes: "One must be happy. Another enemy of Iran [Obama after the election] has failed and Iran played a significant role in his failure."
  • Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki receives senior adviser to the president of Sudan, who praised Iran: "The Islamic revolution of Iran was not only for the Muslims, but was a revolution for all the dispossessed [people] of the world... This movement accelerated progress and today we are witness to Iran's scientific progress and the popular movement of the Iranian nation in this field."
  • [E] Hamas invites Ahmadinejad to pay a visit to the Gaza Strip, saying that the move will boost resistance morale among the Palestinians.
  •  [E] Ahmadinejad calls for a new world order based on justice and respect where all nations play equal roles in global management.

Military and Security

  • Intelligence Minister Hojjat al-Eslam Heydar Moslehi repeats his accusations that "the seditionists" have received $17 billion from foreign powers and "the CIA and the MOSSAD supports them."
  • Biography of Rasoul Heydari, Qods Brigade of the Revolutionary Guards' "first martyr in Bosnia."
  • Heshmatollah Falahatpisheh, parliamentary Foreign Policy and National Security Committee member: "As long as the draft to the negotiations of the 5+1 Group with Iran has not been clarified and they consider negotiations a part of the stick and carrot policy, Iran should not engage in negotiations." http://www.abrarnews.com/politic/1389/890816/html/rooydad.htm#s105429
  • Jomhouri-ye Eslami editorializes: "Today the Westerners are standing at a very difficult juncture in Afghanistan. On the one hand, they are pressed by their own nations to free their troops from this terrible quagmire and, on the other hand, their fear that upon leaving Afghanistan, anti-Western groups will rule Afghanistan. Not only will all their plans become failures, the situation will be much worse than the time prior to the invasion of Afghanistan.
  • [E] A senior Iranian anti-drug official warned the US and western countries to take efforts to combat drug production and trafficking in Afghanistan, saying that the country will witness an increase in the production of illicit drugs next year due to the current surge in the price of narcotics.



Religion, Society and Culture

  • Tehran Police Chief Sajedinia reports arrest of rappers on charges of: "Propagating bad language, using foul language, breaking the taboo of shameful Western behavior, normalization of wrong behavior in the eyes of the youth, opening the path of infiltration and other unorthodox and bad behavior, distancing the youth from Islamic culture, disturbing the minds of the youth, disrespecting fine music, normalizing unhealthy relationship between young boys and girls, painting a pessimistic view of social conditions of society, enticing the youth against others, disregard for family, religion and nation..."

Photos of the Day