A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, please visit this page, fill out the "New Subscribers" section, and check "Iran News Round Up" listed under "Projects." 

(E) = Article in English


  • Parliamentary Speaker Ali Larijani:
    • "Some think if they delay delivery of the 1390 [2011-2012] budget to the parliament, parliamentarians will have less time to review it and will not pay attention to many issues. But it is not true at all."
    • "I can't prevent parliamentarians from impeaching the president."
  • Hojjat al-Esslam Jafar Shajouni: "The time has come for prosecution of the heads of sedition by the Judiciary."


  • Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei visits Jordan.
    • According to Asr-e Iran he has delivered a message from Ahmadinejad to the King of Jordan.
  • The Student Basij demonstrate in front of the British Embassy, asking for the ouster of the British ambassador because of "Britain's silence following assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists."
  • [E] Ahmadinejad in a decree on Monday replaced Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki.
  • [E] Mohammad Qannadi, a senior official of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, is due to take care of the Iranian nuclear body after Mottaki’s dismissal.  
  • [E] Spokesman of Afghanistan's Ministry of Martyred, Disabled, Labor and Social Affairs Farid Raed said that the agreement between Tehran and Kabul on labor cooperation promises good developments for the Afghan youths.
  • [E] Ahmadinejad underlined the need for an immediate settlement of the Palestinian issue, reiterating that the territories occupied by the Zionist regime should be returned to the Palestinians at the earliest.
  • [E] Iran's Foreign Ministry on Monday summoned Britain's Ambassador to Tehran Simon Gass to voice Tehran's strong protest at his recent allegations against human rights conditions in Iran.
  • [E] A senior Iranian legislator condemned the recent allegations made by the British Ambassador to Tehran, Simon Gass, on human rights conditions in Iran, and underlined that the parliament is strongly resolved to lower relations with London.

Military and Security

  • Revolutionary Guards Chief Mohammad-Ali Jafari addresses officers at Imam Hussein University:
    • "The Guards is not only a controlled, disciplined military institution growing and expanding in the field of defense. One of the missions of the Guards is to resist hard military threats of the enemy..."
    • "Facing security threats is another mission of the Guards, and countering cultural and soft threats is another mission..."
    • "In the fields of intelligence, development, societal issues and the like, the Guards based in the provinces and various branches of the Basij must mobilize the people and organize them in the path of the revolution..."
  • Basij Chief Mohammad-Reza Naghdi attacks former Revolutionary Guards chief Mohsen Rezai:
    • "Those disturbing the revolution used the political institutions in their power to write letters to His Holiness the Imam Khomeini. They wrote so many letters and disturbed so much that the war could not advance..."
    • "These office holders of the time would write letters to the Imam and say: 'In order to continue the war, we need so many bombs, laser technology, and tanks,' or they would say 'Our economy is zero' [reference to Mir-Hossein Mousavi]. However, the people and the soldiers were not happy with this. The nation and the warriors were tolerating the hardships, but the office holders all the time demanded an end to the war because they did not have an [Imam] Hussein like character... In the nuclear issue, they engaged in low and humiliating acts. They signed ugly agreements..."
  • The Basij accepts admission of babies as young as one month old.

Nuclear Issue


Photos of the Day