A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, please visit this page, fill out the "New Subscribers" section, and check "Iran News Round Up" listed under "Projects." 
(E) = Article in English



  • In reaction to the recent plane crash in Oroumiyeh, Roads and Transportation Minister Hamid Behbahani says: "Luckily, the casualties are low."
  • Rafsanjani's latest article warns against anti-clericalism and insulting behavior towards sources of emulation.
  • Commenting on Ayatollah Jannati's statement that "there is absolutely no need for participation of the reformists in elections," Hojjat al-Eslam Hassan Rowhani says: "The law has decided on who can run for office. The Guardian Council only supervises execution of the law and nothing else." Rowhani adds: "If all the groups and parties participate in every election, it is beneficial to the country..."
  • The parliament criticizes statements of Ayatollah Jannati regarding the right of the parliament to question the government.
  • The website of the Theological Seminaries in Qom: "Imam of the Era is involved neither in the reform of the subsidies system nor in management of the country."


Military and Security

  • Mohammad-Yousef Shakeri is appointed chief of Shohada IRGC unit of West Azerbaijan.
  • Basij Chief Mohammad-Reza Naghdi says the Basij has no "night patrolling."
  • The Narouyi clan of Sistan va Balouchestan renews its allegiance "to the ideals of the revolution."
  • Intelligence Minister Hojjat al-Eslam Heydar Moslehi says 10 individuals linked to "the Zionist network" which "assassinated the great scientist Martyr Ali Mohammadi" have been arrested.
    • Ali Mohammad's wife says the Mojahedin-e Khalq Organization had contacted him ten days before he was assassinated.
  • [E] Commander of the Iranian Army Major General Ataollah Salehi stressed his forces' focus on asymmetric tactics in their air, ground or naval exercises.
  • [E] The Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology said the country has formed a special team to boost security for its scientists and researchers.
  • [E] Commander of Iran's Southern Air Defense Zone Qanbar Ali Salahian stressed his forces are fully ready to repel possible air raids on the country's southern regions, the Persian Gulf in particular.
  • [E] Iran announced on Wednesday that it plans to launch another home-made satellite called Fajr (Dawn) into space by late March 2011.


  • An Iraqi source says the Iraqi government is unable to make electricity payments to Iran because of the sanctions imposed by the United States.
  • [E] Indian official says New Delhi government will not allow Washington to meddle with its energy ties with Iran, especially considering the Indian people's dire need for Iranian oil.
  • [E] Iranian Commerce Minister Mehdi Qazanfari announced on Wednesday that despite its growing economic ties and exchanges with the western world, Iran plans to replace its western trade partners with Asian parties.
  • [E] An Iranian official says a number of Iranian Banks plan to inaugurate branches in Northern Iraq in the near future.

Photos of the Day