A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, please visit this page, fill out the "New Subscribers" section, and check "Iran News Round Up" listed under "Projects." 
(E) = Article in English





Military and Security

  • Revolutionary Guards Chief Mohammad-Ali Jafari says the IRGC will soon unveil "miracle like research projects.
  • Basij Chief Mohammad-Reza Naghdi:
    • "Most countries of the region consider the Islamic revolution as their role model and are fighting for freedom and independence. This is not to the liking of the imperialist superpowers that do anything to tarnish the image of the regime..."
    • "They can't make Mubarak return to power by starting fire in the streets of Iran."
  • Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Saidi, the Supreme Leader's representative to the Revolutionary Guards: "The two heads of the sedition are nothing but ignorant... They consider themselves wise, but they are stupid since they incite the people to engage in riots."
  • Controversy about political inclinations of Sane Zhaleh, who was killed on February 15, 2011:
    • The Green Movement accuses the government of "confiscating the martyrs of the Green Movement."
    • The Green Movement condemns burial service of the Basij and pro-regime elements for Zhaleh.
    • Expediency Council secretary Mohsen Rezai says "the blood of Zhaleh neutralized the conspiracy of the United States."
    • Interior Ministry security deputy Ali Abdollahi says the type of bullet which killed Zhaleh is not used by any branches of the Armed Forces.
    • As the regime supporters and the Basij member were taking the body of Zhaleh to the cemetery, students at the Faculty of Art at Tehran University demonstrated against the regime and said Zhaleh never sympathized with the regime. Five "counter revolutionaries" were arrested by the authorities.
    • Hojjat al-Eslam Davoud Ranjbaran, director of the Office of the Supreme Leader at universities, says Zhaleh was a member of the Basij and that a photo showing him with the late dissident Grand Ayatollah Montazeri is "doctored with photoshop."
    • Kayhan editor Hossein Shariatmadari says Zhaleh was a Basij member and a Kayhan's "informer" who had infiltrated the household of the late dissident Grand Ayatollah Montazeri, which explains the photo with Montazeri in which Zhaleh appears.
  • The Green Movement urges the public to commemorate the seventh day following the martyrdom of Sane Zhaleh and Mohammad Mokhtari at anti-regime demonstrations.
  • Arrest of children of elite members at anti-regime demonstrations, former parliamentarians and political activists:
  • "Hooligans" attack Mehdi Karrubi's residence in Tehran.
  • [E] Top Iranian general warns US to cease interference in nation’s affairs.
  • [E] Turkey’s President Gul says Ankara will not let US use NATO bases for military purposes against other states.
  • [E] Iran’s Judiciary says opposition leaders will be put on trial

Nuclear Issue


Photos of the Day