A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, please visit this page, fill out the "New Subscribers" section, and check "Iran News Round Up" listed under "Projects.
(E) = Article in English



  • News stories related to Rafsanjani running for the Assembly of Experts:
    • Rafsanjani responds to criticism at his reelection efforts to the Assembly of Experts:
      • "Unfortunately, some well known circles and media are expressing issues about the [Assembly of] Experts in order to give the public the impression that I am thirsty for leadership and power. However, as history shows and personalities of the regime have witnessed, thanks God, I have never pursued power and positions. Before the victory of the revolution and during the era of struggle until today, every position of responsibility, such as provision of domestic fuel, the Revolutionary Council, the Interior Ministry, the Voice and Vision [of the Islamic Republic], the Sacred Defense, the parliament, the presidency, the [Assembly of] Experts and... has been given to me either by the leadership of the revolution, or through popular demand, the wishes of the elders and the popular vote. And I will continue the same as a soldier of the revolution…"
      • "During the last round of the Assembly of Experts, I suggested Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani [as head of the organization] and I was not inclined to accept it. It was the Supreme Leader who asked me to be present at the Assembly of Experts, but there are some ignorant people…"
      • "I will do my responsibilities. Whatever the result may be, the only thing which is important to me is the satisfaction of God."
    • According to Hojjat al-Eslam Mostafa Mir-Lowhi, more than 50 members of the Assembly of Experts have asked Ayatollah Mahdavi Kani to declare his candidacy for chairmanship of the Assembly of Experts. Mir-Lowhi also says Kani has accepted to become the head of the Assembly.
    • Mahdavi Kani's Office stresses it has twice received letters from Rafsanjani urging Mahdavi Kani to run as head of Assembly of Experts.
    • For the first time, Rafsanjani condemns the February 15, 2011 anti-regime demonstrations.
    • Parliamentarian Assadollah Badamchian predicts that Rafsanjani will be the head of the Assembly.
    • Mahramaneh News steps up criticism of Rafsanjani.

 Military and Security

  •  Pro-Ahmadinejad hooligans attack Faezeh Rafsanjani as she leaves the funeral of a relative in Shah Abd al-Azim on February 15, 2011. Video:
  • Yahya Rahim Safavi, former Revolutionary Guards chief and current adviser to the Supreme Leader:
    • "Given the presence of extra regional powers in countries in the southern part of the Persian Gulf, any decision making in the Gulf states leading to major change in the southern shores to achieve political, security and economic goals would have unpleasant consequences for the ecosystem and the political, security and economic situation..."
    • "One must investigate what problems this work of the Emirates [the decision to create artificial islands in the Persian Gulf] will create for Iran and other neighboring countries in the Persian Gulf..."
    • "Establishment of these islands reduces the distance to the island of Abu-Musa to 10 kilometers. Should this project be executed by the [United Arab] Emirates, there is the possibility of larger countries and extra regional powers and international organizations supporting change of the sea borders of this country..."
    • "Of course, the foreigners know that they are weak militarily and that the Islamic Republic of Iran has the necessary power to defend its land. Therefore, they are trying to pursue the issue legally..."
  • [E] A senior military official called on the United Arab Emirates to immediately cease construction of artificial islands in the Persian Gulf.
  • Habib Sayari, Islamic Republic of Iran Navy chief, declares the Islamic Republic's readiness to expand port facilities in Syria.
  • Commander Hossein Zarifmanesh, Imam Hossein University chief, praises Khatam al-Anbia Construction Base of the Revolutionary Guards.
  • Basij Chief Mohammad-Reza Naghdi: "The United States should withdraw its aircraft careers from the region before they are taken as war booty."
    • "If I was rich, I would most certainly not have my money in the United States and would have it in a secure country."
    • "Freezing accounts by the government of the United States is the sign of hardships and humiliation of the West."
    • Commenting on the house arrest of "the heads of sedition" Naghdi said: "Everyone must observe balance. Extremism is not correct... Those who have joined the ranks of the counter revolution and are getting their orders from the foreign media deserve the slogan 'death to' by the people."
  • [E] Iran plans to deploy new long-range radar systems in the next few months, a senior Iranian air-defense commander announced on Monday, adding that the radars will cover a range of 3,000 km.
  • [E] Iran and Syria sign agreement to enhance strategic naval cooperation and pledge to continue to expand military ties.   


  • Ahmadinejad:
    • "The imperialists don't fear Iran's bomb... Iran has never imposed its culture, management, and viewpoints upon others by arms and bombs. It has behaved in a way that others have lovingly pursued it..."
    • "They [the United States and allies] fear creativity, humanism, love and servitude of the Iranians. This is why they are trying to slow down the increasing paste of the Iranian nation..."
    • "The dictators who are killing their own populations today even don't have the ability to produce the simplest products. They kill their own population with arms purchased from the United States and its allies. The ruling regime, the United States government and allies of that country must answer to how come they have imposed dictatorship to the nations for 30-40 years."
  • Ayatollah Mohammad Khatami, brother of the Supreme Leader and head of the Islamic Hekmat-e Sadra Foundation: "The revolution of the people of Egypt, Tunisia and all Islamic revolutions that are happening in the region see Iran as their role model and share Islamic goals... The people of these countries are trying to establish an Islamic, independent and popular regime."


 Photos of the Day