A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To subscribe to this daily newsletter, please visit this page, fill out the "New Subscribers" section, and check "Iran News Round Up" listed under "Projects." 
(E) = Article in English




  • Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, temporary Tehran Friday prayer leader:
    • "News censorship about Bahrain by the media of imperialism is remarkable. We witness disappearance of tens of people and arrest of hundreds of others. They even don't show mercy to women and children..."
    • Addressing leaders of Saudi Arabia, Khatami continued: "Don't think your rule will survive through murder and massacre. With every drop of blood of the innocent people you shed, you get closer to your annihilation."
  • Parliament’s Foreign Policy and National Security Committee urges the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia "not to play with fire" and calls for withdrawal of their troops from Bahrain.
  • Parliamentary Speaker Ali Larijani: "There is no difference between Obama and Bush... The behavior of the Americans demonstrates that they are not interested in human rights but in oil."
  • Kuwait expels three Iranian diplomats labeling them "undesired elements."
    • [E] An Iranian Foreign Ministry source categorically rejected the remarks by a Kuwaiti official about the alleged operation of an Iranian spy cell in the Persian Gulf emirate, describing the allegation as "unfounded" and "baseless".
  • Egypt declares readiness to normalize diplomatic relations with Iran.
    • [E] A senior Iranian lawmaker has described the re-establishment of official ties with Egypt as a significant opportunity for Iran's diplomatic apparatus.
  • Tabnak slams "creeping anti-Iranian policies" of Tajikistan, referring to the Tajik government's attempts to dissuade Tajik students from studying in Iran.  

Military and Security

  • Iranian authorities release names of "Wahhabi terrorists" who have perpetrated "crimes" in Kurdistan province.
  • Ammariyoun Website quotes a website which condemns the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting showing "dance shows" while the Shi'as of Bahrain are being "martyred."

Religion, Society and Culture

  • Iranian film maker Ebrahim Hatami-Kia discusses his latest movie on dating centers in Iran and youth marriages.


  • [E] Iran is set to inaugurate the third phase of oil bourse on Kish Island in the Persian Gulf for trade in crude and petrochemical products with vast opportunities for foreign companies.

Photos of the Day