A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English



  • Hojjat al-Eslam Ali Samari, former Ahmadinejad adviser, says Supreme Leader Khamenei, in his latest meeting with the cabinet, has warned Ahmadinejad and the cabinet not to make remarks that would deviate from the path of revolution.
  • Amir-Reza Vaez Ashtiani, a member of Islamic Moetalefeh faction and former member of Tehran Islamic City Council, says he had suggested that Ahmadinejad be the mayor of Tehran.


  • According to Le Figaro, Islamic Republic representatives have had meetings with a number of opposition members from Syria "in a European capital."
  • Ali Akbar Assasi, foreign policy analyst: "Since 2003, the Saudis have not been able to use Iraq to counterbalance Iran... They are concerned about regional developments and try to mobilize the region in an anti-Iranian alliance... by depicting Iran as the greatest regional threat..."
  • Fars News Agency editorializes: "September 11th, the deception which changed the world.” It adds: “ The people of the United States demonstrate in support of the Muslims on September 11."

Military and Security

  • Farzad Esmaeili, Islamic Republic Air Defense Force chief, addresses the Tehran Friday prayer:
    • "As the Supreme Leader and commander-in-chief said, the first priority today is the air defense force... Among the [air defense] systems, one can point to the strategic long-range [radar] system which can monitor any air activity of the sworn enemies of our dear country... Production of long and medium range missile systems have created suitable conditions to engage and annihilate various air threats in asymmetric wars... The earth and sky of Iran will become hell for the aggressors."


  • [E] Iran plans to attract $25bln of investment to its oil industry by the end of the current Iranian year (March 2012), an Iranian oil ministry official announced.
  • [E] Tehran's provisional Friday Prayers Leader Kazzem Sediqi called on the Tehran government to do more to improve people's welfare, and cautioned that the hegemonic powers are seeking to deal a blow to the Islamic Republic by hitting the country's economy.

Iran in the Afghan Media

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