A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English



  • Farda News speculates on why the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting did not show the announced interview with Ahmadinejad prior to his departure for New York.
  • Nourallah Heydari, parliamentarian, says Ahmadinejad has taken Esfandiar Rahim-Mashaei with him to New York because he feared Mashaei would be arrested in his absence.


  • The Office of the President establishes a website to cover Ahmadinejad's visit to New York.
  • Upon his arrival to New York, Ahmadinejad meets with the president of St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Ahmadinejad promises the prime minister $7 million aid, assistance in building of an airport and scholarships to students of the Caribbean state. Iranian readers comment on Ahmadineajd's diplomatic offensive:
    • "I always scored high grades in geography, but I have never heard the name of this country!"
    • "Could you please zoom the map some more?!" "In which continent is this country?!!"
    • "They probably discuss management of the world!" "I'm considering immigrating to that country; at least I can enjoy my oil money there!"
    • "It was Ahmadinejad who ordered the discovery of microscope and the magnifier glass so he can find the micro states!"
    • "I congratulate this great victory to Ahmadinejad!"
  • [E] Fars News report accuses US and UK of involvement in Afghan leader Rabbani’s assassination in Kabul on Tuesday.
  • [E] Lawyer of the two US nationals who have been held in Iran on spying charges announced that the judicial order for the release of the two US nationals has been issued.

Military and Security

  • Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei addressing Police Academy graduates: "One of the methods of the global arrogance in its struggle against independent nations is to instigate societal insecurity as well as moral and spiritual insecurity in society..."
  • Air Defense Chief Farzad Esmaili: "If the entire country is covered by S-300 [air defense system] brought to us from abroad and military advisers are sent to 5-year missions and their salaries are paid by Russia, not even 10% of our defense needs are covered since the S-300 is not the only defense system needed for the air defense system... The Supreme Leader has ordered us to 'go and do this job yourself...' Since then, this task has been on the agenda... The Iranian S-300 will be called Bavar 373."
  • Fathollah Jamiri, Bushehr Imam Sadeq Revolutionary Guards unit chief: "The majority forces of the Basij which are composed of popular forces and various classes and do not have responsibilities in the Basij organization, can be active in elections... Intervention of the Basij authorities in support of a specific current or candidate is prohibited in the election but they can engage in political guidance..." 
  • Revolutionary Guards units defeat PEJAK forces, take control over northwestern borders of Iran and "bring security to the region."
  • Habib Kashani, a former IRGC commander and chairman of the Persepolis Football Club, resigns amidst the club's defeats.
  • [E] Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) officials announced on Wednesday that the country plans to display the latest generation of Shahab missiles, pilotless drones and electronic war systems in the military parades on Thursday.

Photos of the Day