A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English



  • Asr-e Iran asks questions which the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting journalist failed to ask Ahmadinejad at the live interview:
    • "Mr. President, last year you promised to at the very least double the cash handouts. What has happened to this promise and when will the increase take place? This year you talked about tripling the cash handout, how can you make such promises when the government can hardly provide financing for the cash handouts at present level?"
    • "In the course of imprisonment of three American citizens... you did a lot and said you desired to free them on humanitarian grounds. Since you are the president of the Iranians and not the Americans,... what have you done to free Iranians imprisoned in the United States?"
    • "During your tenure in office, the air quality in big cities has got much more polluted than before and the mortality rate has increased because of that reason. One of the explanatory factors mentioned is the use of improper gas. What do you have to say in this regard?"
    • "Why did you inaugurate projects before they were done from a technical point of view, and why did you endanger the lives of people? For example the inauguration of the third phase of the Abadan Refinery's gas unit which led to the death and injury of a number of our compatriots."
    • "Every once in a while we read in the news that you have decided to extend millions of Dollars of assistance to various countries in the world. This happens as Iran needs this money more than anyone. Explain the reason behind this aid and what benefit it has to Iran..."
    • "Why have individuals with dual citizenship received decrees - contrary to the law - in your cabinet? This includes Mr. Hamid Mowlana, who is a United States citizen... and Mr. Khavari, who is a Canadian citizen..."
    • "How come you have not once presented the law on the national budget to the parliament on time?"
    • "What is the reason for the son and daughter in law of the president and some family members of Mr. Mashaei and Baqaei being in your entourage in the trip to New York...? Why had you applied for visa to your daughter, your son in law and your grandchild? What was the cost of your entourage, particularly individuals not related [to diplomacy]?"
    • "For years you have been talking about your plans for world management. When will you unveil the details of this scheme?"
  • A group of parliamentarians demand impeachment of Ahmadinejad in the wake of the $3 billion embezzlement. The letter demanding impeachment of the president is signed by Hossein Nejabat, Ahmad Tavakoli, Elias Naderan, Ali Zakani, Parviz Sarvari, Hamid-Reza Fouladgar, Javad Jahangirzadeh, Nader Qazipour, Mohammad Dehqan, Amin-Hossein Rahimi, and Hossein Dehdashti.
    • The group of parliamentarians withdraw their demand as Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei demands "a calm atmosphere" while investigating the embezzlement.


  • While Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei calls the Arab Spring an "Islamic awakening" inspired by Iran's 1979 revolution, Ahmadinejad insists upon calling it "a humanistic awakening." Ahmadinejad also challenges the Supreme Leader by saying he is not opposed to "Palestinian statehood" while Khamenei says he rejects: "any scheme which partitions Palestine [by recognizing Israel’s right-to-exist]."
  • Ahmadinejad on live television:
    • "In today's management of the world there are two powers, one is the United States, and the other is Iran..."
    • At the United Nations , there were two main speeches. One was Obama's, and the other was my speech. Of course, Obama's speech was weak."
    • "We are always in favor of relations, but having relations with the United States is conditioned on those relations being just. We don't fear dialogue; I even said I am ready to debate with Obama."
    • "They particularly said that there should be a phone line between the armed forces of Iran and the United States so no incident takes place in the Persian Gulf. We welcome any step to avoid conflicts, but what we say is that in order to avoid incidents, you should take your destroyers out, but of course, one can create systems so incidents don't take place."


  • On live television, Ahmadinejad discusses the $3 billion embezzlement scandal:
    • "For the past six years I have been talking about the banking system, but I have always been criticized. I always saw some things which I said should be reformed. In this cabinet we will reform the banking structure. But the reality is that the banking system is not controlled by anyone now. The government can't do anything... From the very beginning we said the slightest corruption should be dealt with. In the government we did a lot of things and prevented corruption, but in the banks there is still trouble... Anyone, in any position [who is accused of complicity in the embezzlement] should be denounced, but it was not done. It should not be so that they [Ahmadinejad's opponents] say no there is an issue where we can even the score with Ahmadinejad. What role did I have in this issue…? Why do you accuse the government and governmental elements? I am displeased about this issue, not because of the high amount; I would be unhappy even about a single rial."
  • Following Mahmoud-Reza Khavari, Melli Bank director’s escape to Canada, Nasim Online writes a number of other Iranian bank directors are residents in European countries; Germany in particular hosts a number of Iranian bank directors. 


  • Emad Hosseini, parliamentary Energy Committee member: The government not transferring $12 billion from the oil revenue to the foreign exchange reserve “is not only a crisis, but a clear violation in the oil and energy sector... It is still not known what has happened to the money received from India in exchange for the oil exports. Was the money received in cash? Did the Indian partner at all pay its debt? The Central Bank has in an illegal move invested the money from the oil exports, which should have been invested in job creation in the country, in India. It is still unknown based upon what logic this was done... The National Natural Gas Company and the National Iranian Oil Company were obliged to transfer $554 million in revenues from natural gas exports to Turkey and $56 million in revenues from export of other oil products to the National Development Fund during the first three months of the year, but six months later this money has still not been transferred to the Fund... According to the calculations of the Audit Court, $9.2 billion from the oil exports were transferred to the accounts of the people in 2010. This is contrary to the law on reform of the subsidies system, which considered real prices the source of finance [of the cash handouts]. The government has even used the money for its natural gas expenses and the money it owes to the private sector - related to establishment of four power plants - to finance the cash handouts. All these cases are clear cases of government violations in the field of oil and gas sector which is shocking."

Religion, Society and Culture

  • Mehdi Jafari, the Pupil's Basij Information Technology chief, says "17 million Iranians are on Facebook and in a way live on this site."
  • Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei at his theological class: "I have a written document from a famous devout man who has passed away. He was a mojtahed, and professor of theological sciences, in which he has explained his relations with the spirits."

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