A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English



  • Mohammad Dehqan, parliamentarian:
    • "We should not discuss the issue of change of the Constitution in a way which leaves the impression that change of the Constitution means questioning the sanctity [of the Constitution]. This is not so. The Constitution itself says 'I can be subjected to change.'"
    • "The regime of the Islamic Republic is a fully logical, effective and progressive regime, but at the same time it may have some structural problems, and in my view, these structural problems exist."
    • "Should the experts, elites, scholars and a group of the elites reach the conclusion that there is a structural problem in the Constitution, it is natural that according to point 177, the Supreme Leader of the Revolution can - in case he finds it necessary - issue a decree so that the members of the Expediency Council, plus 49 grandees of the country - the heads of the powers of the state, five members from the Assembly of Experts, a number of parliamentarians, members of the Guardian Council, three academics, three individuals from the Judiciary, 10 people chosen directly by the Leader of the Revolution - assemble and investigate the proposals of the wise Leader of the Revolution concerning some of the deficiencies of the Constitution."
    • "As far as I know, for some time, experts working in the Office of the Supreme Leader, have been working on the deficiencies of the Constitution, and for some time these deficiencies have been identified by those experts."
    • "During the past year, dozens of issues of the Constitution which must be reconsidered, were handed over per the decree of the Supreme Leader to a team of legal experts for investigation. A number of these cases have been investigated and the result of the investigation has been submitted to his Office... I am not a part of that group, but I am aware of it."
    • "For example, the Leader of the Revolution talked about change of the presidential system into a parliamentary system..."
    • "I believe this suggestion was a strategic one based on data and research. It is not as if the Leader of the Revolution accidentally said something. His suggestion was strategic and based on information, research and hundreds of hours of scientific work."
  • Davoud Ahmadinejad, brother of the president, continues his attacks against "the current of deviation," which he now calls "the children of Satan."


  • In an interview with the Egyptian Al-Akhbar, Ahmadinejad reiterates his wish to visit Egypt "as soon as I receive an invitation."
  • Mohammad Na'imipour, former hostage taker, commenting on the seizure of the United States Embassy in Tehran, says Shahriar Rowhani, representative to the United States and son-in-law of Ebrahim Yazdi, in a phone conversation told him that seizure of the embassy "for a couple of days" would be "good," but should not last much longer.

Military and Security

  • Asr-e Iran openly acknowledges the role of the Quds Force in Iraq: "Under circumstances where the United States has an active military presence in Iraq, it was the Quds Force which came to the aid of our national interests in Iraq and has made Iran's position in this country more prominent than countries such as Saudi Arabia."
  • Mohammad Kowsari, Parliamentary National Security and Foreign Policy Committee member, says the recent threats against Iran made "by the Zionist regime and the United States" are nothing but "a political and military bluff."
  • Farda News quotes AEI's Middle Eastern Outlook ,"Iran's Most Dangerous General."
  • [E] Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi stressed that any adventurist move by the enemies would be reciprocated by Tehran's crushing response.
  • [E] An Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) General warned the Zionist regime of Iran's crushing response to any act of aggression, saying that an attack on Iran would put an end to Israel's existence.

Nuclear Issue

  • Reactions to the IAEA report on the Islamic Republic's nuclear activities:
    • Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami: "If [Yukiya] Amano tells a lie against Iran, he will do away with what remains of the honor of the IAEA. Today, Iran is powerful and mighty and will retaliate against each conspiracy of the United States in a way that it teaches a lesson to others."
    • Kazem Jalali, parliamentary National Security Committee spokesman: "Amano is politicizing."
    • Kayhan editorializes: "Amano is the same person who, according to the Wikileaks documents, had promised the Americans to coordinate all his steps with them. Publishing the latest report is among the promises he has made to the Americans in return for their support to prolongation of his tenure..."

Religion, Society and Culture

  • Ayatollah Mohsen Heydari, Ahwaz temporary Friday prayer leader: "The anti-Wall Street and the anti-capitalist movement are justice-seeking movements which mean a coup de grace against the capitalist regime... When the people of the world have lost their faith in human schools of thought, they are fully prepared for the emergence of the Imam of the Era. The anti-capitalist movement is a sign of the people losing faith in human schools of thought...The anti-capitalist movement is a giant step in preparing the ground for the emergence of the Imam of the Era."

Photo of the Day

  • Basij Commander Mohammad-Reza Naqdi participates in the stoning of the "Youtube" at the Digital Media Exhibit in Tehran.