A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English



  • Ahmadinejad comments on Iran/China/Russia relations in a live interview with Jam-e Jam TV:
    • "We are cooperating with China and Russia and do not expect them to sacrifice their national interests for the sake of our national interests, just like they should not expect us to sacrifice our national interests for their sake..."
    • "Generally, the three countries of Iran, Russia and China are in one bloc which means that we - due to our neighborly [relations] and a [shared] view of the international arena - must cooperate more with each other. Of course, our cooperation with China and Russia is not 100 percent, but our reasoning concerning this cooperation is not one of zero and one hundred and we are cooperating with each other..."
  • Farda News continues attacks against AEI resident fellow Ali Alfoneh.
  • [E] Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari in a message to Pakistan's Army Chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Monday extended his condolences on the killing of 28 Pakistani militaries in a cross-border US and NATO chopper attack on the country.

Military and Security

  • The newly-established Basij Anti-Riot Force parades dressed in black in front of the United States Embassy in Tehran while 50,000 Basij gather in Tehran.
  • IRGC chief Mohammad Ali Jafari discusses the activities of the late Hassan Tehrani Moghadam and the Iranian revolution: "In the past couple of years and ten days prior to the explosion he had achieved a new technology... and happily said that the entire work is done and now he only needs time to test it... We can still not disclose the details of this new technology...but you should know that what occurred was only due to natural issues and that the enemy did not have any role in it. Israel tried to take the honor for it, but they don't have the courage to engage in such acts..."
  • IRGC chief Mohammad Ali Jafari says he has appointed a new IRGC Self Sufficiency Organization commander but does not give his name.
  • IRGC chief Mohammad Ali Jafari, says "We are prepared for any attack."
  • Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi reports delivery of cruise missiles to the navy.
  • Yahya Rahim Safavi, military adviser to the Supreme Leader, discusses the latest encounter between the IRGC Navy and the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf.
  • Safavi: "The Zionist regime is within the reach of the missiles of our friends in Lebanon."
  • Qods Force commander Qassem Suleimani addressing the Basij members in Kerman, comments on FDD scholar Reuel Marc Gerecht and General Keane's suggestion that the United States should assassinate him:
    • "To me, martyrdom is just like a child separated from a mother. This is no threat to me... Today thousands weep hoping for martyrdom. This path is worthy of the honor of being martyred..."
    • Commenting on the role of the Basij, Suleimani says: "The Basij has played a major role in preventing deviation, in illuminating and directing public attention to the fundamentals of issues."
    • Suleimani adds that both "those who have nationalist motives" and those "with religious and Islamic motives" consider the Basij "one of the most necessary centers in society and must defend it."
  • [E] Supreme Leader Khamenei praised the Iranian nation for their resistance against enemies, and said Iran has stood up to the arrogant and colonialist powers alone and smashed their will.

Nuclear Issue

  • Ahmadinejad discusses the nuclear issue in a televised interview with Jam-e Jam TV:
    • "The Westerners know perfectly well that the Islamic Republic of Iran is not pursuing the nuclear bomb in its nuclear activities since the nuclear bomb is no longer effective nowadays and no one is able to use it. In reality, the era of using the bomb in the world is over and these bombs are like troubles around the necks of their owners... Today, the cost and threats no longer count when it comes to our access to scientific progress. If we want to be eternal and independent we must have scientific progress and this issue is in reality stressing upon the independence of the country... The Zionist regime is hoping to take military steps against the Islamic Republic of Iran, but it knows that it is not an easy thing to do... The people at the IAEA are lacking correct analysis and constantly create restrictions for themselves... The Islamic Republic of Iran has on many occasions announced that it is ready to negotiate with and cooperate with the IAEA but they have always been pursuing the path of conflict against the Iranian nation..."
  • [E] Imposing sanctions on the Iranian oil and gas sector will cause a soaring hike in the world crude prices, the Iranian Parliament's Energy Commission cautioned on Monday.

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