A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English



  • Parliamentary Speaker Ali Larijani presents a bill that reduces diplomatic relations with Britain and condemns "hostile positions of the British royal regime against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the country’s recent measure to sanction the Central Bank of our country, and Britain's support to the seditionists of 2009."
  • News stories about the attack against the British Embassy in Tehran:
  • "Seizure of the British Embassy has been conducted by revolutionary students. This deed has not been ordered by any organization or institution and the students seized the British Embassy in Tehran by themselves."
  • "Since the students seized the British Embassy by themselves, they certainly will continue this path."
  • "The seizure of the British Embassy has taken place after a 33-year delay... The Embassy of the 'Old Fox' should have been seized earlier."
  • "Any free Iranian whose heart beats for this country and has witnessed the crimes of the Old Imperialist against Iran and Iranians, should know that the seizure of the Embassy of the Old Fox is good for the national interests of our country."
  • Those who have seized the British Embassy also demand expulsion of the British ambassador to Tehran and a complete severing of diplomatic relations between Iran and Britain.


Military and Security

  • Supreme Leader Khamenei addresses the Iranian Navy personnel:
    • "During the Qajar era and particularly during the Pahlavi era, the authorities were humiliated in the face of the demands of the hegemonic powers and should a nation feel vulnerable in the face of enemy it is incapable of doing anything. But the Islamic revolution gave the gift of dignity to Iran and all must value of this dignity."
  • Revolutionary Guards Deputy Hossein Salami says the Revolutionary Guards is "reassessing its defense doctrine" and will use the strategy of "threats against threats." Salami also stressed the importance of the Passive Defense Organization in the new defense doctrine.
  • Stories related to an alleged blast in Isfahan:
  • Yadollah Javani, former Revolutionary Guards Political Bureau commander, currently "senior adviser to the representative of the Supreme Leader to the Fars [province] Fajr Guards unit":
    • "One must take care about who will try to run for parliament, since the next parliament should not be like the sixth parliament where 135 members wrote a letter to the Supreme Leader demanding peace in the face of the threats of the United States... Unity of the principled ones is a necessity for victory in parliamentary elections..."
  • Intelligence Minister Hojjat al-Eslam Moslehi says the social networking websites have become a threat to the enemies of the Islamic Republic to the degree that "the United States has filtered Facebook and Twitter" and has "decreased the speed of the internet."


Photos of the Day