A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by Ali Alfoneh, Ahmad Majidyar and Michael Rubin.  To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online.
(E) = Article in English



  • Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, temporary Tehran Friday prayer leader:
    • "After the revolution, the British did everything in their power against the revolution. Should there be anything which they did not do, it is not because they did not desire it so, but because of their inability to do it. In the sedition of 2009 they were the directors... The last act of treason of the British against Iran was unilateral sanctions against the Central Bank which is very futile. Since we do not have relations with the United States and Britain to the degree which would make sanctions against the Central Bank effective... Britain was in need of being taught a lesson and the parliamentary bill [reducing level of diplomatic relations] was the very lesson they needed... I believe that Britain, with its acts of treason against Iran, deserves it. After shouting 'Death to America' one should chant 'Death to Britain.'"
  • Diplomats from Switzerland, Poland, Mexico, Czech Republic, Hungry, New Zealand, Finland, Cypress, Russia, Greece, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Slovakia, Romania, Turkey, Brazil, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Ireland, Spain, Denmark and Croatia inspect the British embassy compound in Qolhak.
  • The "Council of Those Arranging a Sit In at the Den of the Old Fox" in a statement announce that "ambassadors who have left Iran" will "not easily be allowed to return to Tehran." http://www.farsnews.com/newstext.php?nn=13900910000845
  • Eleven "students" who were arrested by the Law Enforcement Forces during the British embassy incident are released from prison.
  • Iran's ambassador to Sweden urges the Swedish Foreign Ministry not to "enter the field of challenges to Iran-Britain relations." The ambassador added: "This step is the result of the incorrect behavior of the British government towards the Iranian nation from the past to now."
  • Norway reopens its embassy in Tehran.
  • Parliamentarian Hassan Nejabat:
    • "The seizure of the British embassy had nothing to do with the British people. The students did not insult the people of Britain, and one can even argue that the step of the students was in defense of the rights of the British people including the Muslims and colored people of this country."
  • Criticism of the attacks against the British embassy compounds in Tehran:

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